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Anemone question?


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O.k. I am sure this is a total newbie ?

After getting my anemone it settled right in, clowns hosting and looking good.

It has decided to talk a walk about for 2 days. I understand that it is normal. The problem is that it seems to be damaging birds nest, mushrooms, fan's .... just about every thing but fish:eek:.

How do I prevent it as much as posible until it settles in?

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Unfortunately, until the anemone finds the spot it likes, it is going to keep moving. You may not have enough light on your tank to keep the anemone happy. Can you add some more T-5's? I think I remember that is the lighting you have.

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Clowns will sometimes host other things than anemones. Mine have started to host frogspawn. When I put them in the tank with the anemone, they would not even look twice at it, but they love their frogspawn.


I would recommend trading in the anemone for some long, wavy coral. Torch, frogspawn, hammer, elegance. All of these have been alternate hosts for clowns.


I also have to say that clowns don't need anemones to survive in our tanks. They can host a powerhead for all that it matters.


I hope that you have covered all the intakes for the powerheads and pumps. It talks about that here...




You may wake up to anemone soup if you don't.


The whole site is good for learning about anemones... I spent the time to read the whole thing.

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I would recommend trading in the anemone for some long, wavy coral. Torch, frogspawn, hammer, elegance


In my very short experience clowns love elegance corals, but are not loved in return. My clowns like to love rough, and they beat the heck out of my elegance coral to the point that it wouldn't open up anymore.


I traded it in for a Green BTA thinking I would give them something durable, and now it is hiding under a rock. My clowns are now hosting my Radioactive Dragon Eyes which arn't happy. I just don't understand clowns.



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My clowns are non-hosts at this point. My anemone moved from one side of the tank to the other! It is a tiny thing, but is well away from the domino fish that used to host it.


If your ok with it on the walk about, and you haven't any pumps or powerheads it can get consumed by...leave it be.



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mine host a toadstool leather - and they all seem pretty happy with the arrangement. I do plan on getting an anemone after I upgrade tanks' date=' though.[/quote']


Ocellaris clowns LOVE toadstools. I can't have a Nem in my display due to Tunze powerheads so eventually they will have a nice toadie host them.

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We've had the same experience as Bob.


For some reason our clowns love to nest in the Jakarta Xenia, and have actually gone as far as to breed there. This has happened for two different sets of clowns so far.


It seems like clownfish will give almost anything a shot, they actually nested in our Turbinaria Reniformis until we placed the Jakarta Xenia in there.



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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This is just my opinion based of my current and past issues with my anemone. First, the more you feed it (krill, squid, silversiders which are nasty, guppies, etc. the better your chances are of it staying put. You can plan on your anemone, depending on what kind I have a green bubble tip so I am only speaking on experience with this, it will most likely find a spot directly under your light. Mine always finds the spot that gets the MOST light and stay there. A lot of the times it will be a spot that also provides shelter for it's body. Mine, again, likes this little overhang in my tank where he can pull in away from the light when he wants, and extend to it when, again, he wants.

You can try and mess with flow and rock but in the end it will most likely be a wasted effort when it comes to your anemone choosing a spot, may be nice for you though. My advice is when it sits in a spot for a few hours at least, pref a day or so, feed him. Then offer him food within the next 48 hours, and repeat at least 1 or 2 more times. IME they are looking for the spot that brings them the most food and has decent to great light.

Until then IMO the only options you have to protect your corals is to either move them into the sand far away from your rock until your anemone stays put, or sit in front of your tank, like I do DOH! and play move the coral out of the way game. Rules are simple, watch and see where your anemone is headed, then move everything out of the way before he gets there. I usually find temp homes for corals until I get anemone under control then place them in new home and hopefully a permanent home.

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what kind of anemone was it? You will find plenty of opinions on whether or not you should have an anemone in a reef tank. But remember it is YOUR tank. You will ultimately decide what you have and want. YES, you will find that some things just don't work out. But I am stubborn and I want what I like so I get it and make it work. I have had an anemone in my tank since day 1 basiclly and it didn't start moving until my clowns died and I moved tanks, in opposite order. I am currently waiting for it to find it's spot, but I know where it likes to be in my tank and kinda built a little spot for it. It was on the complete top left of my tank before, and now it is hovering around the spot I made for it in the middle directly under my light and in an easy spot for me to feed. Once she drops in I will feed her and start the process I explainded. I normally fed mine 3 to 4 times a week and it NEVER moved. Once I stopped, and moved to bigger tank, and the clowns died, it moved almost immediately

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