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eugene frag party!??????

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no flash taken under T5 lighting they look that way I never post somthing that would look diffrent if anything it will look better.



I think the plum may be overexposed and not showing true color. If you look off to the lower right;the center does not show up as white. Possible flash reflection?

It may be best for each of us to list our two or three favorites and reach consensus?

What ya thinking?

It might be advantageous for us to consider size, also in our choice.

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So looks like I cant make this after all and now that i've seen those acan's i'm way more bummed about it (sad) My wife has a conference out of town and I need to keep an eye on the little one. With the time of the frag party and the 2 hr drive it would be way past her bedtime. Oh well, maybe the next one:) Is someone still planning on recording some demos? I would very much want a copy. Perhaps I could mail someone 5 or 10 blank DVDs in exchange for a copy?

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no flash taken under T5 lighting they look that way I never post somthing that would look diffrent if anything it will look better.


The centers of the acan show no detail= overexposure in that area. There is a high dynamic range in the photo. Without going into why colors look different, a VERY complex issue, suffice to say your reputation for supplying excellent corals is well established.

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I counted 7 people who would show. I do not know if Nyles or Chief will come but they would make 9.


I will be there.


I need someone to summarize this event for me so I can add it to the front page.


What, when, where, how much $ to enter, etc.


Also who to contact if they want in on this.


Who is doing the order? Maybe the club could take the money and place the order. We could have paypal ready to go asap. Might want to as our Prez.



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i disagree with 8. i like 7 much better. the colors are almost the same and on 8 the polyps are all far apart and kinda funny lookin.i think if possible we should shoot for 3 polyp frags after all ive seen 3 polyp acan frags for sale in shops here for 20-40. so for 30 bucks 3 polyps would be nice,not to mention the sucsess rate might not be so promising seeing as there getting moved a couple days before put into a new enviroment then chopped up a few days later then moved to another new enviroment. so if we can shoot for 3+.(rock2)

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Their range of tolerance in lighting and flow is incredible. suprisingly hardy and easy to care for. they do fine in moderate light ive seen them kept on powercompacts, then can be aclimated to high output lights like halides and t5. i threw mine under my ridiculous bright t5s from extremely low lighting.without aclimation. theyre doing great. seems to me that when you have brighter lights they color morph on a lot of people. weekly feedings with rotifers or something similar,i feed mine every other night with brine and rotifers but its not required.depending on what acan they are lords or echinata and depending on parameters ive heard of anywhere from 1 polyp to 3 polyp growth a month which is pretty decent. ps im ok with 3 as well seems as though thats a favirote.


how are we gona go about fragging it? dremel. do we have one does someone need to brimg one? also lets say we get a big enough colony to where each person that throws down 30 bucks gets a 3 polyp frag,i think we should have the option to frag the 3 polyps completley seperate so 3 frags of one or a single frag of 3 or a frag of 2 polyps and a frag of 1.that would be cool because i would do a 2 polyp frag and a 1 polyp frag,grow the 2 polyp one out for myself, grow the 1 polyp out for a while then could sell or trade it.

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so are you running this as miles was the one who contacted me first on this and I still need to know how many heads your needing.


I am not running it. I just thought Miles was on vacation. If you and Miles have it figured out than I will just show up. Just thought I could help out since he was in Hawaii. It is around the corner.


BTW: I would be happy to go with #3. They all look very cool. So I switch my vote!

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ok it dosnt matter who is handling it but I need a head count of who's attending to see if I even have one that can be fragged 3 heads per a person then we can go from there some of what your picking may not cover that lol I'm leaving on vaction on the 5th wont be back untill after the 12th so we can deal with stuff after I get back or you have a deadline we can ship this thur .

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i thought i counted 10 but i could be wrong. i believe most were set on acan. 10 would be 30 heads and 10 would be 300 bucks.mabey if your cans are smaller thn 30 heads you could do it a little cheaper like 200 0r 250 then everyone wouldnt hve to pay 30 bucks each just 20 each or whatever. we do need an exact headcount though if we think 8 or ten are comeing and 3 show up then theres gonna be some hrd feelings because someones gonna have to pay for the rest

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so i think we are going to shoot for a colony with 30 heads and divide accordingly with number of polyps and what people can afford. we have to check and see what colonies he has in those numbers. we will keep you posted. shipping will also have to factor into the pricing, but by all means, if we can do this for $20 each, or less, we will, just have to see what happens.

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