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RODI filter usage


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Hey there I have this rodi filter and I’m wondering if it’s not utilizing the filters enough it seems like it’s using the last one that is the soft material too much because that one is disgusting but the 1st one and second don’t really look utilized. Let me know if you know anything about this or if maybe I should just change the one that is super dirty and leave the other two for longer only problem is they are purchased as a pack with all 3 filters. Thanks for any of your time 🙏🏻



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Holy cow you pulling water from a swamp?!? 🤣


So I think something is wrong, are your filters in this order? Sediment -> carbon block -> Membrane -> DI


If not, there is an issue. Looks like you may be using your DI before the membrane? 

Typically you should change sediment filter if it gets bad like that sooner, Carbon blocks are usually every 6 months, DI is as it is consumed and you start not reading 0 at the end. Also, do you know what micron rating they are?

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22 minutes ago, Blue Z Reef said:

Holy cow you pulling water from a swamp?!? 🤣


So I think something is wrong, are your filters in this order? Sediment -> carbon block -> Membrane -> DI


If not, there is an issue. Looks like you may be using your DI before the membrane? 

Typically you should change sediment filter if it gets bad like that sooner, Carbon blocks are usually every 6 months, DI is as it is consumed and you start not reading 0 at the end. Also, do you know what micron rating they are?

Yea I definitely waited to long in this one haha but the water reads only like 8 tds or something from the tap the sensor reads. But yea I am honestly not sure on the flow of the water I think it goes in that order, this is how it’s set and you mean the micron rating of that last all white filter?


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Looks like you have a lot of sediment in your water. Assuming they are standard sized filters, you can buy separate sediment prefilters. Based on your picture, the water should be flowing from right to left. So, the dirty filter is actually the first filter, not the last one.

Water source should be coming in from the right, into the sediment filter, then to the carbon filter, and then to the RO membrane, and back to the DI canister


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I guess the part that worries me most is I see the filter pad on the bottom of your DI section turning brown, same as your sediment filter. I usually prefer the micron ratings of my filters to be like 5 for the sediment and 1 for the carbon block. Usually any product water leaving the membrane should be overall very clean (like 1-2 tds, with your input being only 8, it should be 1 max) and free from sediment, so that is odd yours has brown in it still. 

also, how is old is the membrane? Are you showing 1TDS max coming out of the membrane and going into your DI?


also, do you use a flush kit prior and after running the unit?

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4 hours ago, Blue Z Reef said:

I guess the part that worries me most is I see the filter pad on the bottom of your DI section turning brown, same as your sediment filter. I usually prefer the micron ratings of my filters to be like 5 for the sediment and 1 for the carbon block. Usually any product water leaving the membrane should be overall very clean (like 1-2 tds, with your input being only 8, it should be 1 max) and free from sediment, so that is odd yours has brown in it still. 

also, how is old is the membrane? Are you showing 1TDS max coming out of the membrane and going into your DI?


also, do you use a flush kit prior and after running the unit?

Thanks for the message, I agree with you that is weird. I wonder if the fact that the last time I actually changed was last October now that I looked at my notes. That is a very long time I know but to me it just seems like more of the DI and other filter besides the white one should be utilized rather then the 1st one getting that insanely nasty that I miswrote as the last one in my post. Also I do not have a flush system I let it run until it stops coming out of the tube completely with it down so gravity pulls as much as possible out then I run it for about 30 seconds before I start collecting each time, I am turning it on about every 4 days or so. 

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So the flush kit is to bypass your waste water restrictor and let the membrane itself get unrestricted flow to the waste line and “flush itself” out. Ideally you do this for like 5-10 mins prior and post running the unit to keep your membrane clean and extend its lifespan. It’s actually in the pic @parvo99 posted above. They usually run you $10-15 and are worth the money. Also it flushes the initial TDS spike you usually get when you turn the unit on, saving a bit of resin as things settle down.


As far as filters being utilized, they are working as intended! Your first filter is grabbing tons of sediment, meaning your carbon block isn’t getting browned out as bad. Knowing that you have high sediment in your water, I would just keep an eye on it and swap it earlier instead of waiting. Sediment filters are the cheapest so won’t break the bank swapping out with your carbon every 6 months. My sediment filter never turns color and gets changed every year. Could it go longer? Maybe, but for $5 it’s easy insurance to keep everything working as it should.

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