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WTB: PNW Locally grown copepods


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Hi Fellow Reefers!  Wondering if anyone greater Seattle area is growing and selling their own copepods?  Would love to find local grower, currently ordering for a grower in Ohio, shipping is getting expensive though and I won't order from algae barn.   


Bonus if they are tigriopus!  



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On 8/11/2020 at 11:20 AM, bboileau92 said:

Just curious, why the aversion to algae barn?

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For the price and shipping it just doesn't seem like a I get a lot of pods.  I also would like to buy from someone local, it would help to see their setup... I got ghost flatworms in my last bottle (though not bad guys still made me wonder what else I'm dumping into my tank unaware (thank god for the wrasses).  


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While this isn't local, I just wanted to mention that I've been really happy with the pods I've ordered from Aquarium Depot.  

The pods I've ordered in the past from AlgaeBarn were very tiny, and most were too small to see with the naked eye. I looked at a drop of water from the pod jar under my microscope and confirmed there were many live pods, but without the microscope it just looked like dust in the jar.

The pods I've ordered from Aquarium Depot are much larger, some up to 1/4” long, so they are a more substantial meal.  In fact a couple of them bit my hand and I really felt it! See https://aquariumdepot.com/live-food

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Gotcha. I'm partial to algae barn because the founder was highly involved in the Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado when I lived out there. He has an excellent isolated setup for growing phyto and pods. He's definitely in it to progress the hobby. I personally believe you get what you pay for with his product. They're pricey, but if you have an established fuge the population does a solid job of reproducing.

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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