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I'm so confused


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I've had a tank running for 4 months.  The tank had two pieces of dry tongue go in it. No sand. And always fresh salt water. The only thing that's been put in the tank are baby clownfish. Clowns I hatched. Nothing else. It gets regular water changes three times a week. With fresh water. And I only feed it tdo food. So how did I find three glass and enemies today in that tank? I remove the rock instantly and put it in a bucket to kill them. It won't go back into any of my tanks. I don't have glass anemomes in any of my tanks. So how the heck did I get a glass anemone. Much less three. 

I put a new piece of dry Tonga Rock in that tank. 

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I have no information, but I'd be curious to know about this as well.🤔

I had something similar a few years ago. I cycled a tank from dry rock and was fish-only and only fresh-mixed salt went in--never took water from any other system.  Then randomly, like 6 months in, a single aptasia just popped out from a crevice in the rock as if immaculately conceived.  Hitchhiking in the frozen food mix was my only theory at the time.

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The tank has no pipes. No sump.

New aqua clear, new heater, no substrate.  2 new pcv elbos.

Rocks dry for at least year. Maybe there were eggs on dry rock. That's the only thing I can think of. It's a plain glassbtank. With nothing in it. Really. Just 100 clowns.  No other items. 


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The tank has no pipes. No sump.
New aqua clear, new heater, no substrate.  2 new pcv elbos.
Rocks dry for at least year. Maybe there were eggs on dry rock. That's the only thing I can think of. It's a plain glassbtank. With nothing in it. Really. Just 100 clowns.  No other items. 
I was curious about this and googled it and apparently you're not alone, it only takes one aptasia cell to start and says they can lay dormant on even dry live rock!? Can be carried in by fish, sand, water etc. Yikes. It's hard to say where yours came from for sure but wow that really makes you wonder where it could have came from

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