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This could be dangerous! Reefing totally plays into my OCD, ADHD and Type A tendancies!


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Hi!  My name is Amy,

I heard about PNWMAS while searching Facebook for reef tank info and local groups to connect with.

I've been in the hobby less than six months.

A friend of mine gave me his Nuvo Fusion 10 nano tank when he had to move out of state. At the time it contained a few coral, a damsel, a pistol shrimp and several snails.  Unfortunately, while I was out of town, a petsitter topped off the tank with quite a bit of tap water and by the time I returned home everything but the snails had died.  I'm now re-cycling the tank and starting the restocking process.

I only have the 10 gallon nano reef tank and recently added a Skimz Sumpro Up18 sump tank.  I have a couple of empty 40 gallon breeder tanks that were used for lizards in the past.  I'm considering cleaning them up and using one of them as a reef tank if the seals are watertight.

I currently have 5 hermit crabs, a bunch of tiny snails that were part of a "clean-up crew", and a firefish goby. 

It's hard for me to choose a dream fish since I'm new to the hobby.  I like lots of color and personality in a fish but am limited by tank size.  I would like to someday have a mandarin fish (goby?).

Again, as I am still a newby, I'm not sure what my dream coral would be.  I'm drawn to bright colors, especially purple, blue and teal.  Colorful acans, rock anemones, and zoanthids come to mind.

I'm an avid scuba diver and would love to have a tank that is reminiscent of the beautiful coral reefs I was lucky to see during my trip to Indonesia in October 2018.  Winning some coral would get me one step closer to my goal!

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Welcome!  You'll be right at home here, since many of us are also OCD!  

If you're looking for fish with personality, you might want to consider a Blenny.  They're small and peaceful with other fish.  Here's my Tailspot:

Blenny 18-06-28.jpg

I wouldn't recommend a Mandarin until you have a larger, mature tank.  Most Mandarins only eat live pods, so it's best to have a self-sustaining population of pods.  Very few ever adapt to eating frozen foods.  I have one Mandarin in my 88 gallon tank, and it consumes the pods about as fast as they reproduce.

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Hi Amy. Thank you for joining. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum. Feel to ask any questions you might have. There is also archive info that you can search from. I will get signed up for the November new membership drawing. We hope to see you at the Christmas party Dec. 14th.

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