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How long can a tang stay in my fuge?


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Ok I know this isn't ideal but my 7" sailfin tang has been relocated to the sump for the past 24hrs and I'd like to keep it there for about a week (and then I'll be ready to sell him). My fuge is about 15 gallons, I know this is tiny for him but on the bright side he is enjoying all of my macro algae and some gha down there. What do you guys think, is it a trajedy to have him down there for a bit?


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Ya I hear you, Thanks for the quick response. I knew before I asked this that common sense says get him out of there, but he's still eating like a pig so I guess I was hoping that counts for something. I'll start setting up my 30g qt tank for him tonight, hopefully that's a little better housing for it for a few days

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I kept my ~5" blue hippo in my 20 gallon sump for almost a month when my old 90 gallon sprung a leak (took a while to find a replacement I liked and to set it up and move everything over, and I'm lazy) but I didn't have a choice since I already had another blue tang in my other tank, honestly it didn't seem to mind too much. I just kept an almost constant supply of nori in there for it to munch on, no lasting harm that I could see. Definitely not ideal but I'd just keep an eye out for any stress


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Wow thanks for all the help guys. Well I'm still in the process of setting up the 30 gallon (which will be filled with water and filter floss from my tank today so it should be stable) so it will be there if he needs it but for now it looks like he'll stay in the sump (much to the dismay of my macro algae). It'll be nice to have the 30g up anyways since in the next week or 2 (once the sailfin is gone) the lfs will have our new powder blue ready! 

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