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Mantha Shrimp close up


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This guy decided to punch the side of a net and got his weapons caught in it. I have heard the stories of people getting their thumb nail cracked open by these with their anvil like hammers...didn't know they had a scorpion like needle at the end. Pics before I got the rest of the net off his anvils.





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This one was free. I had one 34 pound rock that a customer ordered to make a bridge in their tank. The airport cargo handler handed me the box off the crate, but then dropped it from 3.5 feet in the air right in front of me. The big rock cracked in half and out came this guy.  Normally you would put them in a smaller tank by them selves just to watch the fascinating  little guys.

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13 hours ago, Allthingscoral said:

May I ask where you got this and how much you paid I would like to get one and what the requirements are and what they can live with thank you

Terry @Seahorse Aquarium may be able to get you one.  He and I were discussing them some months ago.

As to requirements - they aren't much more or less hardy than other shrimp.   As to what they can live with... Any snails, crabs, or other shrimp are on the Mantis' menu.

The one I had years ago was particularly fond of blue leg hermits.   He never bothered any corals or fish as far as i could tell.

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it was my understanding that some Mantis shrimp have spears and some have clubs.  some stab their prey and some club it.  They are definitely cool either way.  I got one with some live rock and had it for a few years.  It never got very large but i guess there are about 400 different species of mantis shrimps and a lot of them do not get very big.  

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