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2 Jebao RW-20 wavemakers w/controllers


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Wanna blow [language filter] up in your tank? You need these. Moses actually used 4 of these to part the Red Sea. Check Wikipedia if you don't believe me. I used these on the back of a boat once to get home and they were only at half power. They are strong enough to blow ick off sick Tangs without needing medication. Use them to blow hair algae off the rocks. 9 out of 10 people who bought these noticed crystal clear water conditions within a week. Jebao says they cure cancer but I haven't tested it, yet. The manual states that you can keep yellow tangs in 5 gallon tanks with these because they are so strong the tang thinks he's actually in the ocean. Technology is pretty f'ing amazing. 

$120 for both. Pretty cheap for something that can change the world if used for good. I imagine these are pretty dangerous in the wrong hands so do all of us a favor and buy them. Save the world, be a hero. Your mom would be proud. And it is Mother's Day weekend, after all. 





Edited by Zoolander
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1 hour ago, pledosophy said:

Turns out these are not the ones for me. 

Good luck with the sale though man. I am sure someone wants to turn their Brute lid into a jet ski. 

Haha!  Sorry about the name thing... misread your screen name on my phone.  Too much multitasking!

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If I had any need for these whatsoever I would buy them just because I love this thread so much. This and the corner of my garage sale thread are two of my all time favs.  Sorry that doesn't help you any Richard but at least you know you were able to brighten someone's day. (I needed it). 

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