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3 Guys that "Changed my Reefing Life" 19 years ago!


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In 1998 I had been in the hobby 16 years. I had a 240 gal tank when I was in College. I could only afford it because I maintained 2 large tanks. One for the local plastic Surgeon and another for the towns main Orthodontist.

Anyway I thought I knew a lot back then in the day of:

..Removing the water from the bottom of the tank not the top,

..The heart of our system was one or more PEP canister filters,

..UV light,

..Running your water over Bio-Balls was the Hot new thing.

Back then only the Germans had Protein Skimmers and Calcium Reactors.


Anyway In 1998 I owned "Eco-Reef" of Oregon. A TINY little business I had on the side mainly to get wholesale accounts so I could afford the hobby.


I got ti spend 3 days with:

Julian Sprung (He's bald now and owns "3 Little Fishes":


Alf Nielsen:


And Martin Moe:





Julian convinced me of the Amazing qualities of the Mangrove trees and I have had them as a part of my systems ever since. Below is a picture of one of his small tanks:6c5fdb9ee956422f69bd9547a1f8ece0.jpg

I could not understand 3/4 of the chemistry Alf was talking about but I came away with eliminating (due to bio-load remaining in the active water column) mechanical filter; ie, 100-300 micron filter socks and pads and implementing a in-line sediment trap:


Moe was Awesome. He came out with his book 9 years earlier "The Marine Aquarium Reference" I still refer to his and the other 4 books often. I copied this page of Martins book and still keep it taped on a wall for reference:


Anyway, hopefully that "Blast-From-the- Past" wasn't too boring.




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Agreed. Skimmers are the perfect recreation of ocean waves and surf break. Foam fractionation. You remember seeing a wave wash ashore on a sandy beach filled with dark muddy colored foam.


Have had this one in service for 9 days. Its pulling 42 liters/min or over 10 gallons of air a min. And thats with-out opening the pump ports wide open. I have to release more water flow through it just to keep it in line.

No need for Ozone.



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That Fossa/Nilsen book takes me back. I had volume one when I started my first reef. That book was like my bible. The tank was a 10g Clear for Life tall cube. The guy that sold it to me had me set it up with a Jaubert plenum under the sand. The light was a Custom Sealife power compact, it had a 23w 6500K quad bulb with a 9w "actinic". He sold me a Rio 180 I think for water movement. Memories...

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