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My new build is 120 so I have lots of options now. Send me your ideas for a nice balanced fish population. I have a pair of clowns, a purple tang, a long nose hawkfish and a psychedelic mandarin goby to start.


Interested in wrasses, schooling fish, a copperband that won't die [emoji23] and fish with good personalities (it's not about the body shape).


This time I want to plan it out instead of grabbing up everything I see at Cuttlefish.

Tho I will only be buying from Jeff because he's the man!!! Thank you for moving to my neighborhood by the way. [emoji3]





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Anthias have some great colors. 


There are some cool wrasse fish too. Fairy, leopard, mystery (expensive).


A jaw fish is really fun to watch. I siliconed my rock to the bottom glass on my new tank to get a jaw fish. The blue dot jawfish is really cool, but also expensive. I think upscales had one for ~$80 within the last week.


Maybe a flame angel. I have heard that they are usually clam safe if the clams were in the tank before the flame was added.


male and female mandarin are supposed to be pretty cool to watch do matting dances. Queue the 80s slow jazz music and dim the lights for a live show. The males have the pointed dorsal fin.

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Just fyi Jeff just got a Hawaii shipment in with some gorgeous barletts, potters wrasses, tamarins, and angels :)



Potters wrasses are definitely worth a look (as are all the others mentioned) - love the wrasses!  I am seriously thinking of some anthias for my 125 and enjoyed the chalk basslets I have had before (great personalities) so those are good suggestions in my mind. As for angels, I saw a nice orange peel at Jeff's the other week but not sure what the thinking is on their reef-safe rating.  I have had potters angels before and they were good citizens. Blue jaw triggers are also nice - shy but seemingly friendly/interactive. Also some other tang options like scopas and kole tangs but might be tricky with the purple you already have. You could probably get away with a clown (lineatus) tang though as their body type is sufficiently different - never know with tangs though. Lots of cool gobies out there but they can get lost in a larger tank.

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Just fyi Jeff just got a Hawaii shipment in with some gorgeous barletts, potters wrasses, tamarins, and angels :)

I saw those!!!! Dying to bring them home but I don't have water in my tank. Waiting on plumbing still. Waaaa!



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Hmmm.. you might need water :D

I hear it helps.


I've always wanted a Crosshatch trigger (reef safe?) and an Achilles Tang. Never had a tank big enough for the tang, well I did but it wouldn't have been a good idea, but they are beautiful. Crosshatches are awesome as well.... To me at least. But I love triggers in a reef tank. Blue throat, Niger, ugh..... Just avoid huma huma triggers. I had one, one time, that never touched a coral and I loved that fish. Bought 3 more since losing the first one and they ALL ate coral, like first thing they did when entering the tank was take a bite of a coral then go hide. Provoking me wanting to spear said fish.


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