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Back to incandescent lighting for reefing in the future?


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Intriguing... I love technology and innovation...  Maybe we can all run MHs again some day.


Return of incandescent light bulbs as MIT makes them more efficient than LEDs





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Right now it only produces the "warmer" spectrum of light, maybe over time they will get the blue reef lighting we need for our tank. I think there will be much more ingenuitive applications of being able to transfer heat into a more useful energy, light bulbs just happen to interest us reefers. Although it would be cool if one day the halides are all the rage again, with their bright light, bold colors, and heat exchanging capabilities.

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Dang, that's pretty interesting. And just when LED lit homes have become the thing to do. Guess I'll be buying new light bulbs when these LEDs burn out in a decade. (I'm not really confident in them lasting that long, but some manufacturers do make some crazy claims about life.)

Edited by Higher Thinking
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