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OK.. so I think my purple tang and one of my clowns have ich, the clown has like 2 specs on the fin and a couple specs on purple tang!  tried blowing off with turkey baster thinking it was sand and it didn't come off so that leads me to belive that it is ich everything is eating well. so now I need a tank to hospitalize and make surer they are ok. anyone have a set up they are willing to let me barrow and or give away? I think I have caught this early and can fix it hopefully with some help. what do I need meds wise and just some overall knowledge and help! Never thought this would happen.. sucks! need a tank and setup by this weekend! heater little filter ect meds. I did not QT and think that is why this happened :booboo:

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Ive never had to QT fish for ich. in the case of marine fish it is a sign that the fish are stressed out, Ich is always in the water but the fish are only able to contract Ich when there immune systems are weak due to a variety of reasons. I would suggest maybe adding some vitamin C or garlic to frozen food. Have you had any spikes in your water chemistry? being that the clowns have Ich as well I would think that theres something stressing them out or a weekend immune system. Are there any other fish in your tank?

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Ive never had to QT fish for ich. in the case of marine fish it is a sign that the fish are stressed out, Ich is always in the water but the fish are only able to contract Ich when there immune systems are weak due to a variety of reasons. I would suggest maybe adding some vitamin C or garlic to frozen food. Have you had any spikes in your water chemistry? being that the clowns have Ich as well I would think that theres something stressing them out or a weekend immune system. Are there any other fish in your tank?

I have 2 clowns, melanrus, and purple tang. my hydro meter is all I have to test saltinity that might be off. other than that the past week was changing aqua scape and that probably messed with them water was all stured up? cant think of anything else besides random feeding? depends when I get aroung to feeding

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I would highly recommend Tropical Science Marine Max. It's done the trick for me many times through the years. I used to buy it at Upscales, but I don't know that they carry it any longer. I've got nearly full bottles of it, and some chaeto for your fuge. I'll hook you up Mitchell.

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I think overstocking in a small tank may be a big factor here.

I agree, what size tank is the purple tang in? Lets not forget that tangs are notorious for being ich prone.  If the living conditions are not right, I can see it being the culprit.

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I agree, what size tank is the purple tang in? Lets not forget that tangs are notorious for being ich prone.  If the living conditions are not right, I can see it being the culprit.


I think he has a nuvo. Probably needs a larger tank.

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I agree, what size tank is the purple tang in? Lets not forget that tangs are notorious for being ich prone.  If the living conditions are not right, I can see it being the culprit.

I knew this was gonna be brought up... its a 38 gal. The tang is very small? Um and I was thinking of going hypo for the fish, it is easyer on them?

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I would highly recommend Tropical Science Marine Max. It's done the trick for me many times through the years. I used to buy it at Upscales, but I don't know that they carry it any longer. I've got nearly full bottles of it, and some chaeto for your fuge. I'll hook you up Mitchell.

ill take you up on that cheto!

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You may stress the fish more by doing the tank transfer, if the fish are eating well Id continue feeding them and cross your fingers which has worked for me 75% of time the other 25% half my fish died, just the expensive ones tho.


Tangs suck a@# IMO, more trouble for me in all the years than enjoyment, I vow to never introduce another tang into my display


Hope all works out for you-it sucks, sorry to hear

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I would also leave them in the tank, keep water quality up, and feed them well. My old pair of clowns and royal gramma had ich super bad, I left them alone and fed them well along with weekly large water changes, they lived through it. Tangs get ich all the time, my old Kole tang would get spots every time I messed around in the tank or he was stressed at all, I believe even though he was smaller, the 40 breeder I had him in was to small which caused him stress.

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You may stress the fish more by doing the tank transfer, if the fish are eating well Id continue feeding them and cross your fingers which has worked for me 75% of time the other 25% half my fish died, just the expensive ones tho.


Tangs suck a@# IMO, more trouble for me in all the years than enjoyment, I vow to never introduce another tang into my display


Hope all works out for you-it sucks, sorry to hear


I am with Brad on this one. It may not be the popular opinion right now, as it seems that QT and hospital setups are all the rage, but the best success I have had over the years is if the fish are eating, let them be and keep them well fed. The 75% success rate for tangs is about right for me too. Clowns are darn near impossible to kill (at least they have been for me). The moment you go crazy introducing them to a freshly set up new tank/environment (which will stress the hell out of them) you decrease your chances of living IME, and that doesn't address the pain it is to go get another whole tank up and running. Now going forward if you want to be proactive instead of reactive, looking into a hospital tank may be of some benefit. Or you can buy the fish and if your LFS is cool with it, and has a medicated setup, just leave the fish in their medicated system for a length of time. 

But short term, my advice is to not mess with the fish. Just feed em. 

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I know this a kind of a hot topic, but ich is NOT always in the water, NOT in every system, and all fish do NOT have ich. If your fish do indeed have ich, and you choose to do nothing about it, then your system will always have ich and you will be putting all your fish at risk. 


I have not had a disease outbreak in any of my systems since I started quarantining all new arrivals. They go a minimum of 6 weeks in a bare bottom tank where they have a chance to start eating without competition, get used to the activity around the house, and show any signs of parasites or disease. If symptoms do show up, then they get treated. This comes after a mishap where I didn't follow a quarantine protocol and lost over 75% of the fish in 2 different tanks. 


You can choose what you want to do, to treat or not to treat. But if you choose to ignore it, and you sell, or trade anything from your system to others, please tell them that you have ich in your system. It can be transferred on anything wet, fish, frags, inverts. 

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But if you choose to ignore it, and you sell, or trade anything from your system to others, please tell them that you have ich in your system. It can be transferred on anything wet, fish, frags, inverts.




My tang had ick when I got him, lasted a day or two and went away. None of my other 3 tangs got it. Feeding regularly was the only treatment. I haven't seen a flare up in the 2 years he's been in my tank. I agree that the stress is more than I would put the fish through to remove and QT. I do tell people to dip frags, but that really should be done regardless of where they come from.

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Not at all, I don't sell fish ever from my system. Just saying I'd rather not remove all the fish and go through the QT process when they recover just fine with feeding well. I haven't lost any to it yet (fingers crossed, knock on wood).

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I know this a kind of a hot topic, but ich is NOT always in the water, NOT in every system, and all fish do NOT have ich. If your fish do indeed have ich, and you choose to do nothing about it, then your system will always have ich and you will be putting all your fish at risk. 


I have not had a disease outbreak in any of my systems since I started quarantining all new arrivals. They go a minimum of 6 weeks in a bare bottom tank where they have a chance to start eating without competition, get used to the activity around the house, and show any signs of parasites or disease. If symptoms do show up, then they get treated. This comes after a mishap where I didn't follow a quarantine protocol and lost over 75% of the fish in 2 different tanks. 


You can choose what you want to do, to treat or not to treat. But if you choose to ignore it, and you sell, or trade anything from your system to others, please tell them that you have ich in your system. It can be transferred on anything wet, fish, frags, inverts.


This is 100% correct- FWIW I I treat every frag and fish as it came from an infected tank so it's moot, Im responsible for my own actions or lack of action

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