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Thank You Emerald

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I have to say Thank You very much!

I appreciate you going out of your way.You Certainly went above and beyond on this one as not only did you donate a nice piece of equipment to a great charitable cause you brought the heavy stereo receiver all the way from Portland to Corvallis, right to my front door. Much appreciated as I do not make it to Portland very often and I presume shipping something of that size and weight would be costly.


What a great team\crew\family we have here at the PNWMAS, without a doubt one of the best clubs I belong to and events and gestures like these show why.


Rock On PNWMAS!!! I know I will.

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Not a problem! I wish I could have stayed longer but Danielle was exhausted and on information overload from the tour we had of OSU. I'm sure I will be around more in that area now that Daniell has decided to go there!


Your house was easy to find! I just had to look for all the fish tanks! You have some nice set ups and lots of frags! Would have loved to see them all!

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Next time you come by things will look a bit different, I always have projects going on outside, my own and other peoples as I do tank maintenance for a living and have yet to acquire a garage...Good thing I have a small porch. Thank you for the complement on my tanks, if you looked in the 210 the 55, the 60  you would have seen some nice sized colonies but I believe you only walked through the living room area to the kitchen, maybe another day I can show you some things personally.


Sorry about getting there as you were leaving, I understand when kids are involved and or time restraints, I am sure there will be another time.

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