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Bob Moore frag Swap


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This is getting out of hand here. You guys need to stop moving threads just because it is not all positive. Karen posted in the member thread and she was booted out because she is not a paying member so she posted in the general forum. Then her thread got moved. She said nothing inflammatory. Just statted the facts. The PNWMAS no showed at the Bob Moore frag swap. It makes our club look bad. INstead of trying to cover this up by moving threads or not allowing her to post just own up to the mistake. Apologize and state what happened and move on. Nobody expects anyone to be perfect , we just want it to be addressed. There is no need to cover things up. Clearly there was a lack of communication and organization. Also a formal apology to PSAS is in order iMO.


YLou need to let Karen have a voice. She is a longstanding respectable member and she was at the frag swap.

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But the forum let me start it in the members forum for some unknown reason. If it need to be moved then whole thread should be moved ?

Sorry Karen, it was because of the flaw that I spoke of earlier.  I found that 200 former members had access to the Members forum and fixed it.  I didn't take into account who had threads live in that forum.  For that I am sorry. 



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This is getting out of hand here. You guys need to stop moving threads just because it is not all positive. Karen posted in the member thread and she was booted out because she is not a paying member so she posted in the general forum. Then her thread got moved. She said nothing inflammatory. Just statted the facts. The PNWMAS no showed at the Bob Moore frag swap. It makes our club look bad. INstead of trying to cover this up by moving threads or not allowing her to post just own up to the mistake. Apologize and state what happened and move on. Nobody expects anyone to be perfect , we just want it to be addressed. There is no need to cover things up. Clearly there was a lack of communication and organization. Also a formal apology to PSAS is in order iMO.


YLou need to let Karen have a voice. She is a longstanding respectable member and she was at the frag swap.

This has nothing to do with silencing people.  Why would something that is directly related to PNWMAS as an organization not be put in the members section.  Having issues about the way things are run are left to paying members.  Again, why (as was claimed by someone) was the club a no show if members showed up?  Exactly how many members of the BoD were expected to show up to then qualify as "showing?"  Why is it our responsibility to attend an event when people don't want to attend local events?  To be honest, I have never dealt with such an ungrateful group of people in my life.  I have always tried to stay positive, always been one to look for ways to reasonably accommodate others, and to diffuse situations.  However, this latest event is such a slap in the face to all the hard work being put into this club by a bunch of VOLUNTEERS.


Since the hack there has been a huge amount of effort put into implementing new software (yes the first software upgrade was a bust, but we're not computer scientists).  The amount of appreciation pales in comparison to the amount of criticism about stupid little things like an edit button.  Do I really have to go all JFK on yall and tell you to stop always asking what the club can do for you, but rather what can (and have) you actually done lately for the club. 


It's so easy to sit back and complain, but its much tougher to think about and appreciate stuff going on.  How many of you have time to design fliers, book flights, reserve venues, email countless companies to acquire donations, reach out to sponsors to acquire/maintain sponsorship, implement a new software program by spending over 100 hours Googling how to do things so we don't have to pay a company 700 dollars to do it (this is all Kevin right here), or drive around cities to deliver fliers (including Bob Moore frag swap), show up early to meetings to setup, stay late to clean up, send thank you letters, etc. etc. etc., all the while trying to keep the peace on a forum where certain people do nothing but complain.  I definitely don't do this so I can get accolades, but I dang sure won't do it if all that comes with it is criticism.  I don't even need a thank you.  I just wont tolerate listening to "lack of leadership" and things of that nature.

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This is getting out of hand here. You guys need to stop moving threads just because it is not all positive. Karen posted in the member thread and she was booted out because she is not a paying member so she posted in the general forum. Then her thread got moved. She said nothing inflammatory. Just statted the facts. The PNWMAS no showed at the Bob Moore frag swap. It makes our club look bad. INstead of trying to cover this up by moving threads or not allowing her to post just own up to the mistake. Apologize and state what happened and move on. Nobody expects anyone to be perfect , we just want it to be addressed. There is no need to cover things up. Clearly there was a lack of communication and organization. Also a formal apology to PSAS is in order iMO.

Exactly! Is total agree just because your a member that bs! Do not agree with this constant moving!

YLou need to let Karen have a voice. She is a longstanding respectable member and she was at the frag swap.

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I just asked a question that for some reason beond my control was put in a forum that I could not access again and not be but in general forum.


This new board needs to get a backbone. I Volunteered for 2.5 years and we never told a member on the open forum that their questions were out of bounds.

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This has nothing to do with silencing people. Why would something that is directly related to PNWMAS as an organization not be put in the members section. Having issues about the way things are run are left to paying members. Again, why (as was claimed by someone) was the club a no show if members showed up? Exactly how many members of the BoD were expected to show up to then qualify as "showing?" Why is it our responsibility to attend an event when people don't want to attend local events? To be honest, I have never dealt with such an ungrateful group of people in my life. I have always tried to stay positive, always been one to look for ways to reasonably accommodate others, and to diffuse situations. However, this latest event is such a slap in the face to all the hard work being put into this club by a bunch of VOLUNTEERS.


Since the hack there has been a huge amount of effort put into implementing new software (yes the first software upgrade was a bust, but we're not computer scientists). The amount of appreciation pales in comparison to the amount of criticism about stupid little things like an edit button. Do I really have to go all JFK on yall and tell you to stop always asking what the club can do for you, but rather what can (and have) you actually done lately for the club.


It's so easy to sit back and complain, but its much tougher to think about and appreciate stuff going on. How many of you have time to design fliers, book flights, reserve venues, email countless companies to acquire donations, reach out to sponsors to acquire/maintain sponsorship, implement a new software program by spending over 100 hours Googling how to do things so we don't have to pay a company 700 dollars to do it (this is all Kevin right here), or drive around cities to deliver fliers (including Bob Moore frag swap), show up early to meetings to setup, stay late to clean up, send thank you letters, etc. etc. etc., all the while trying to keep the peace on a forum where certain people do nothing but complain. I definitely don't do this so I can get accolades, but I dang sure won't do it if all that comes with it is criticism. I don't even need a thank you. I just wont tolerate listening to "lack of leadership" and things of that nature.

You yourself mentioned that you didn't know anything about the table being reserved for the club. To me that is a lack of leadership by not communicating with the team. Sorry you don't like it but at the end of the day Kevin dropped the ball on this and nobody wants to admit it. All that needed to have been posted was something like hey guys life got in the way of things, I plan to contact psas to clear this all up. Really sorry we didn't make it up there to help drive more memberships etc for the club. But that's not how it went down. It was stated that people didn't want to go. If you as a board member were unaware of this how clear of communication is truly being done? As a non paying member anymore I can still ask questions can't I? With the way that Kevin has treated me over the past 8 months or so I've chosen not to support the club till election time. Maybe something the board should look into is what they can do to gain membership back to what it has been in the past instead of trying to find new expensive things to spend money on. Anyways I'm sure my posts will magically disappear again so have a good night. :)



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This has nothing to do with silencing people.  Why would something that is directly related to PNWMAS as an organization not be put in the members section.  Having issues about the way things are run are left to paying members.  Again, why (as was claimed by someone) was the club a no show if members showed up?  Exactly how many members of the BoD were expected to show up to then qualify as "showing?"  Why is it our responsibility to attend an event when people don't want to attend local events?  To be honest, I have never dealt with such an ungrateful group of people in my life.  I have always tried to stay positive, always been one to look for ways to reasonably accommodate others, and to diffuse situations.  However, this latest event is such a slap in the face to all the hard work being put into this club by a bunch of VOLUNTEERS.


Since the hack there has been a huge amount of effort put into implementing new software (yes the first software upgrade was a bust, but we're not computer scientists).  The amount of appreciation pales in comparison to the amount of criticism about stupid little things like an edit button.  Do I really have to go all JFK on yall and tell you to stop always asking what the club can do for you, but rather what can (and have) you actually done lately for the club. 


It's so easy to sit back and complain, but its much tougher to think about and appreciate stuff going on.  How many of you have time to design fliers, book flights, reserve venues, email countless companies to acquire donations, reach out to sponsors to acquire/maintain sponsorship, implement a new software program by spending over 100 hours Googling how to do things so we don't have to pay a company 700 dollars to do it (this is all Kevin right here), or drive around cities to deliver fliers (including Bob Moore frag swap), show up early to meetings to setup, stay late to clean up, send thank you letters, etc. etc. etc., all the while trying to keep the peace on a forum where certain people do nothing but complain.  I definitely don't do this so I can get accolades, but I dang sure won't do it if all that comes with it is criticism.  I don't even need a thank you.  I just wont tolerate listening to "lack of leadership" and things of that nature.


I don't agree that having issues should be left to paying members. That's a difference of opinion. The fact of the matter is, Karen has a right to be heard and if she can't post in the members forum she should be allowed to post in the general forum.  


I know there is a lot of work behind the scenes I spent hours of my time as President and as BOD. Criticism comes with the territory. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have the right to censor it. This is not Reef Central and none of us want it to be so.  You need to be open to suggestions and not blindly follow your leader. I know it takes a lot of work but clearly somewhere the ball was dropped here.  PSAS was expecting us and reserved a space for us. We just want to know what happened. That is all.  Things don't improve unless people are heard. 


Clearly there was a lack of communication to the President of PSAS. A simple message to them weeks ago saying that the club was not going to host a booth was all that needed to be done. This did not happen and there was miscommunication. I tried to arrange a booth when I was President but didn't have a frag tank of the needed size and a simple email to the PSAS president saying, we can't do it this year but keep us in mind was all that it took. Moving threads and not owning up to this error gets us nowhere.


The Edit button is not a stupid thing.  It was a huge thing to make the Classifieds more easy to use and it was something we had long before you were a member here. There was no reason to take it's use away. It is perceived as another way to take power away from the group. 



Speaking of slap to the face, those were my words exactly when in the September update, Kevin not only criticized the past efforts of the board and members but it is now a sticky in the member forum and I had asked it to be removed as a sticky and it wasn't.  

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No one has yet to answer the question of how many representatives does it actually take to qualify as being "present." How are we a no show if people showed? It seems like reserving a table for our members is a nice gesture and the fact that hardly anyone showed is indeed a reflection that our membership doesn't really care about attending those events. So this awesome opportunity that you and Noob keep speaking of was "dropped" because members such as yourself didn't show up. I really can't understand the delineation between the BoD missing out on an opportunity to boost the club and every other member who failed to go, also dropping the ball on representing the club.


Maybe if you reread Kevin's post, I'm pretty sure you'll notice a segment about contacting the group to say we likely can't attend.

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Funny how some people think it's the current bod that is driving people away but participation was already dwindling way before that. Then came the great crash...almost nails to the coffin. Despite all that I really think the bod is doing all they can with what they have. Certain people got butthurt over the past and it seems like they want to do all they can to watch the club burn by just spreading negativity and criticize. If you guys don't like how things are going, pay your dues and voice your opinions. Maybe become part of the bod. Remember, these are volunteer positions.



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Funny how some people think it's the current bod that is driving people away but participation was already dwindling way before that. Then came the great crash...almost nails to the coffin. Despite all that I really think the bod is doing all they can with what they have. Certain people got butthurt over the past and it seems like they want to do all they can to watch the club burn by just spreading negativity and criticize. If you guys don't like how things are going, pay your dues and voice your opinions. Maybe become part of the bod. Remember, these are volunteer positions.

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This is not true at all. This is not about having a bone to pick. membership was not dwindling way before the new BOD. There have been some good meetings and I have been right ther praising that. There were always threads with criticism. Things don't get better without constructive criticism. Chief took responsibility for the forum crash and not backing up the site. I admire him for that though I don't think it was all of his fault. It was Chief, Adam and Dtech that got it back online. They owned up to it and we moved on. I just hope apologies are made this time to PSAS so we don't burn our bridges and still have an opportunity to host a booth in the future. That's all. It does sound like a great event and I hope someone got some pictures.

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I don't know exactly what's going on to be honest but I like the forum and maybe I missed a lot of the bad things that happened as I'm pretty new to this. I have met some amazing people on here and the last few days have seemed more like an MTV reality show than a reef keeping forum but to be honest I'm on dendroboard and this forum is beyond calm compared to that in my opinion. I'm glad there is people that volunteer and when I'm more financially stable I will become a paid member but you can't pay for all the forums, but I support the companies that are sponsors so in some respect my money makes it back to this forum. I am sure lots of people support sponsors on here that are non paying members and traffic drives sponsors more than paying members. I know the dues are for a reason, as I volunteered for a non profit for years but I don't think ts the driving force behind the value of a social website. The more visits and clicks the higher your add space is worth and non paying members out number paying ones.


As for the edit button!! I added my input into the edit button as I figured the BOD would appreciate knowing what people want in a site not to be chastised for input. I apologize if my input was taken as anything more than trying to let them know what is easier to read and enjoy. I enjoy the site and as I said I'm new here so I'm not in the loop on lots of the situations but I do appreciate the time it takes for all involved as I have built and maintained 3 website learning as went. It took me weeks to learn how to write and rewrite codes and learn how to become top on google searches without paying someone. Unfortunately at the moment I'm unemployed so I live on investments that I made beforehand and can't pay any fees for any forums this year.


I do want to say Thank You to all involved in the site development and the time you spend and there are many of us who do appreciate it!! I hope the MTV drama can be sorted out so we can all do what we all enjoy doing "BSing about reef and marine fish keeping".

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