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Tualatin High School


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Hello. I am a Marine Biology and Biology teacher at Tualatin High School. I have many freshwater tanks in my classroom, but am starting to finally venture in the salt water world. I am very interested in the program, and would love all the help I can get in getting this started. I am overwhelmed already by the costs and any donations would be very welcome.


Thanks for the info and help!


-Kelly Perry

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Great to have you on here. It's great that you have an interest to bring a marine environment into your classroom. Our Tank For Teachers program is currently undergoing some developments and being better refined to promote the most successful program. I will make sure you receive the introductory information and you can decide if the program is something you'd be interested in taking part in.

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Hi guys. Thanks for the support! Colin, I am interested in any and all equipment. In my Marine Biology class next week, students will need to research how to set-up and maintain an aquarium. They can pick either fresh or salt, and the class will vote on the best project and hopefully I can get that implemented. I am not opposed to have a zoo in my classroom (I used to be a zookeeper), and love the thought of having a water wonderland that the students can learn from and maintain. My school email: kperry@ttsd.k12.or.us


@Mike I will tell Duggan hi, he works right next door and I have lunch with him everyday.


Specific, well, I have a 55 gallon tank that I got a sump, overhead, pumps for. I am going to get tubing for that tonight and hopefully hook it all up to start the cycle next week. It does NOT have good lights though, and I was going to wait until next year to try LED reef lights (but these seem way out of my budget).


@Colin I will take anything I can get. Would love a littler tank that I could try corals out in.


@Cuttlefish, thanks for the suggestion. I checked this years ago when I worked at Beaverton High, and got no response. So happy to have community support.


@Rizer yes, livestock would be much appreciated, though I am still getting the initial tank set-up and cycled.


Thanks guys

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  • 3 months later...

 Hello Kelly. I was interested in how things were going with setting up a marine aquarium at your school. My daughter, Elizabeth, attended Tualatin High about 15 years ago. I may have spoken with you then about setting up a system. This was before the TFT Program began.


John Manrow


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Hello. I am a Marine Biology and Biology teacher at Tualatin High School. I have many freshwater tanks in my classroom, but am starting to finally venture in the salt water world. I am very interested in the program, and would love all the help I can get in getting this started. I am overwhelmed already by the costs and any donations would be very welcome. Thanks for the info and help! -Kelly Perry


Will donate $100.  I can paypal or any other way, just let me know.



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Hi guys.


Well, the tanks are up and running and we have quite a few fish now in them.  I have a 55 gallon that Kenny Yang gracious donated and helped set up one of his ReefStar LED lighting systems, so can't wait to start adding coral.


I also have a 30 gallon, that is still cycling with live rock and decomposers.


The students love it!  I just started a new semester of Marine Biology, so 60 new kiddos.  They will start a project with these tanks (and a new coldwater tank that we are getting) in a few weeks.


@Tom @Clownfish.  Thank you!  Anything is greatly appreciated.  You can write a check to TuHS and I can get you the proper tax-deduction forms.  


Travis at Upscales has been a lifesaver for advice, and thank you Kevin F. for donating a protein skimmer.


This is so fun and can't wait to show off my tanks someday.  

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WOW Kelly is on the forum... faint ;)


Glad to hear things are still going good for you. Did the macro algaes get eatin again, or are they hanging on?


Were you able to get the protein skimmer setup? If not I can swing by and help Monday or Tuesday this week. Just let me know a time.

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El Presidente:  I got the skimmer plumbed and up and running, though had to make many a trip to home depot to get the right plumbing hardware.  Thanks again!


Macros were all gobbled up (urchins?) but I got a few more clumps.  But you should swing by just to see what we have going (new kiddos this semester, so this bunch haven't met you).


I see this round of marine on Tuesday afternoons, from noon-2:40.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Steve.  We are ready for any and all coral frags.  I removed the urchins in the tank, since they were feasting on the kenya tree coral I had.  They are now in a 30 gallon, non coral tank (I don't have the right lights for corals in that tank).


Any time before or during our school hours, I am here.




Also, anyone that has any corals, I am welcome to any and all.  Still learning, but would love to eventually teach my students how to coral frag.

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I'm actually not up that way very often, I live in Stayton. Might be able to talk my wife into a trip to Cuttle fish and corals next weekend. I'll have to let you know later on in the week tho.

Another possibility would be if you could meet her in Woodburn, she works at one of the outlet stores, and I could just pack up some in the morning for her to take.

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