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Which of Those May Inhibit SPS Growth?


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It has been couple months since some of the SPS stopped growing. Milleporas in my tank generally don't grow but encrust. Some acroporas grow very fast, and nice coloration too. But most of them grow very slowly.


I suspecting those:



Cancy canes

3.5"-4" green toadstool

Pulsing Xenia & amthelia



Others are all acroporas. They don't really shed nor touch each other. I don't have carbon.


I bet the leather coral might be contributing to this ;)


Thanks :)



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Your toad stool will let out stony coral inhibiting toxins into your water column. Constant skimming' date='water changes, and replenished carbon relieves the symptoms but you need to keep up on them and or keep the Sarcophyton,Sinularia, and Lobophyton corals to a minimum.[/quote']


I think I might give it away to see if there is any improvement. I was searching online and one said her/his SPS looked a lot nicer when the toadstool was given away.



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When I typed in my experience I said that was the short story.


the long story, all will be fine until things get crowded. I had zoas killing the base of SPS and growing up the dead skeleton-I assumed it was the zoas as the corals were all healthy.


acans will wipe and acro out- Candy canes being LPS too will wipe out any SPS-mmm maybe not the hydnophora- that freak show of an acro should have its own class-wicked mean.


and Toad stool like any leather can excrete of expel or "something" toxins (aka chemical warfare) to fight of other corals when space is an issue.


Short term you'll be fine with all those, I had toadstools and devil fingers, Xenia, acans and zoas all over the tank before I became an SPS snob

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I had these little polyps showing up that I didn't like so I just put a piece of hydno next to it. Problem solved...Although I've got more so maybe it's time to move the hydno again.


Good approach! That should help with the nuisance anemones too!



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