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Really IDK want the name of that LFS


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2/BIRDSHEST 100.00



1/ MOOM CORAL 150.00




Wow! This guy must have brand new designer corals because I have never heard of any of these! No wonder the LFS has offered him so much, they want to get their hands on that sweet Tyree Moom Coral! :rolleyes:

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Did anyone notice that he even spelled the name of his own city wrong? I see way over priced tanks all the time. Yes this hobby is expensive. But it just like alot of other things. The value goes down rampantly as soon as you plug things in. Just like buying a new car. You drive off the lot, it is now a used car and the value just dropped a few thousand dollars. I might buy the set up for half what he is asking.

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everybody flag it and get it the hell off there before some idiot buys it....


So your the CL Police? The one that flags everything YOU don't like. Ever think the tank, corals and fish may be better off in someone elses hands? Sorry to beat up on you but what do you care if someone buys it? Move on if you don't like it.

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WOW, really dude????? Take a joke. It must be your tank! Do you really think that it is a "real" ad? What LFS around here would offer that much for $500 worth of crap? And no, I don't flag posts on CL. Oh, except for the one in question in this thread.


And the proper spelling of the contraction of "you are" is you're, not your! Look it up

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WOW, really dude????? Take a joke. It must be your tank! Do you really think that it is a "real" ad? What LFS around here would offer that much for $500 worth of crap? And no, I don't flag posts on CL. Oh, except for the one in question in this thread.


And the proper spelling of the contraction of "you are" is you're, not your! Look it up


Your a member of the grammar police as well?

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Wow this thread has gone down hill. (scratch) (popcorn)Please everyone try to be civil and behave like adults. :D Like Josh said, take it offline and handle it through pms. No need to pick apart the craigslist ad or each other. First time I ever went on there someone was offering a bucket of poop for a dollar! (nutty)Goes with the territory of free advertising.:D

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Dang if I thought It was going go this way I wouldn't have posted it. Was just trying to give every one a good laugh to start the day. (nono) so play nice Pleasee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! purty please with sugar on top.. MmmmKay? Or will have to call the TANG POLICE... NO MORE TANGS FOR YOU agggg

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