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Dr. Drapela fired?


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So this is interesting. I know I may lose some popularity points as the whole climate change thing is pretty popular in the reef world...but fired?


he was my wife's chemistry advisor during her bachelor's and we're both confused. maybe he did something really bad and he's playing it off as this? hard to believe since my wife knows him. Also seems like in two week's time, the university would have said 'oh by the way, he was sleeping with students' or 'he molested a child' or 'he punched president ray in the face' or something like that? seems like they'd want this publicity to go away if they had a different explanation...



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Wow thanks for sharing. I had at least a dozen classes with the guy, countless study sessions. He was incredibly influential in my chemistry knowledge and passion. He needs to be given an explanation, isnt that against the law? He should apply for unemployment, then OSU will have to give a reason if they want to appeal. Either way it is sad. A huge loss for OSU. This is one beaver grad who is not happy how the university is responding

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Here is the slide show that was linked:




The assertion that the government is trying to do this to get tax monies, and control of the population via Nazi means is just well..cracked. Drapela may understand chemistry but at social realities he fails badly and has unwittingly become a boy-toy of right wing radio.


In all fairness though Drapela should be evaluated as a scientist ONLY. It is all conjecture that he was fired because of this belief. There seems to be a level of paranoia. If the University fails to provide an acceptable explanation, however, (other than his non-support of global warming) he should sue their butts off. I will fully support his right to be at the University AND to speak his beliefs.

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I'll admit that slide show was a bit over the top, but I also find it interesting that when the planet stopped warming, thy just changed the catch phrase to 'climate change'

I certainly think we should take reasonable efforts to limit our environmental impact, but 'climate change' is a huge industry in this country.


As has been said, at the very least, he is owed a straight answer and it needs to be about his teaching/professor-ship, not about politics


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Edited to try to avoid turning this into a global warming debate. I just want the university to give a good reason that either admits political motivations or assuages the speculation

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Didn't really fire him just ...... Just told him his contract was not going to be renewed so he should just leave now.Should we be suprised that in a state like oregon his views on the climate were not popular from the Kitzhaber down.

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Oregon is an at will employement state so you can fire some one for any reason at any time and not need to give an explanation that being said it sucks when some one who is excelling at there job gets let go for no apparent reason. I have been in this boat before the one and only time I worked for a union (never was a big fan of them and after my experience with the teamsters never would do that again ever). I am a big supporter of OSU have had several people I know go to the school and have had family work at the school. I hope they do the right thing and lay this to rest so that it does not spiral into insanity.

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I can understand why they might have fired him. Many universities will tolerate beliefs that do not fall into line with their own, Northwestern University even has a professor who publishes holocaust denial materials. However; considering that OSU wishes to be an authority on the subject of global warming, I can understand why they would want him out. Just as Brandeis University perhaps wouldn't tolerate an active holocaust denier.

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