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mystery on glass-eggs?


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Saw this just before lights out tonight...?



Inhabitants: sea hare, one cleaner shrimp, variety of snails/hermits,emerald crab, pair of clowns (one false, one true), yellow tang, 5 blue-green chromis sand-sifting star, a short-spined urchin, where's water human Toby with candy-cane pistol.


Any thoughts? Clowns?

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Looks like it must be the sea hare. And yes, the coraline is under the eggs on the glass. my sea hare.is the ugly brown variety if that matters, got it from Garret about 6weeks ago and love the clean up he's done. Saw a suggestion that they usually die.after.laying.eggs, is this true?

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Mine died about 2 weeks after it laid. Unfortunately,he got sucked into a power head DOH! (laugh). We've had the blue spot variety lay eggs at the shop before and it lived for a while more until we sold it. It may not be a sure thing, but keep an eye out. They don't hurt anything when they die, they just rot like everything else.

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