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Pest tank


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Here's a new thing I found in the pest tank today!


An awesome little shrimp-like creature! He's about 6mm to 8mm in length. He hides out in the in the blue clove polyps and darts out like you see in the video and back again. He does this about every minute... over and over. Cool little dude.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Two separate things here...


Update on the tank: The tank is really flourishing, and everything is doing awesome with one exception. I went away last weekend and came home to the pulsing xenia looking a little upset. I didn't think too much of it at first because it can be temperamental from time to time. Over the next three days, it took a rapid decline. All the while, everything else in the tank is looking great. I didn't have time to run a full array of tests on the tank, so I simply did my weekly 20% water change and figured I'd throw in a new chemipure elite bag.


Most of you know that pulsing xenia can just up and die for no obvious detectable reason. A couple theories would include: Chemical warfare. Probably from the devil's hand leather coral. Possibly not enough nutrients in the water--xenia likes it a little dirty, if you know what I mean. Or it could just be xenia being xenia. Regardless, removed the pulsing xenia today (the blue xenia still looks awesome fwiw). In doing so, it spewed forth a cloud of decaying flesh and I don't know what all. I let the filter floss pick up most of the gunk and did a 50% water change. Everything seems fine now, and I'll try throwing a frag of the same xenia from my 10 gallon tank back in there and see what happens.


Second story: I'm converting my old 7.5 gallon cube into a majano factory. I've run out of majanos to swipe from the pest tank and I'm still getting requests from people for more. A fellow pico competition contestant offered up some majanos for me if I would pay shipping. So, they arrived today. The shipping company nearly crushed the package and therefore ruptured the bag inside. There was maybe two tablespoons of water left in the bag (and it was well packaged). When I opened the bag, it smelled like warmed-over death. I thought uh-oh, but when I pulled out the stinky piece of live rock, all of the majanos looked in tact. There were also about 6 loose in the bag and all looked fine as well. So I threw the stinky piece of rock into the already cycled 7.5 gallon tank and placed all of the loose majanos onto the rockwork. In less than 10 minutes, all of the majanos were open and happy. Amazing. I swear they could survive a direct nuclear blast or Justin Bieber music. Or the movie Twilight.


So, I got about a dozen. Several varieties of brown and about 6 green/red ones. It will be a great start to my majano farming adventure.


Note: Pictures taken about 10 minutes after rescuing them from the stinky mess they were in.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update...


The pest tank is doing awesome. Everything is growing like, well, pests. Lots of competition for space now.


Shadie the mantis shrimp has been very reclusive in the past week and a half. He walled up his little cave and hiding out. Today he finally took down the little wall and showed himself. I'd say he molted because his meral spots are not bright white now. I have't gotten a good look at his full body to see if any other coloration changes have happened.


You can see the white pots on the end of his raptorial appendages.

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So, I'm watching TV tonight and I hear loud clicking from the pest tank. I grabbed my phone and shot this video of my mantis shrimp beating the living tar out of a rock. You do not want to get hit by this little guy. (The chatter in the background is our African Grey parrot, Dory)


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the field of competition that the pest tank is entered into is shrinking.


We originally started with 50 contestants. Every month, the field has been almost exactly halved.


As of August 1st, we're down to 5 remaining entries, which is kinda sad, but on the bright side, every single one of us that makes it to the end will receive a prize.


But at this rate, with the final day of the competition being October 1st, I figure two of us will be splitting all of the prizes. Or I'll win them all...

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Update time! Pictures!


Full tank shot... notice the awesome hitchhiker macro algae that is growing like mad in the back left corner!



Happy majanos! Note the baby one at the bottom of the rock!



The devil's hand leather that Gill gave me is doing really well:



The graveyard of shattered dreams and and cerith shells.



Awesome macro algae... no idea where it came from:


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  • 5 weeks later...

So, the pico tank competition that I entered six months ago on Nano-Reef is coming to an end. October 1st is the final day. I'm assembling a video of the pest tank, along with pictures and a full write up of the awesome and unexpected discoveries I've come across along the way. Thus far, the pest tank has been one of the most enjoyable things I've done in my salty adventures.


So, in preparation for the big final reveal, I give you a sneak peek of my favorite inhabitant of the pest tank. My adorable and personable Gonodactylus Viridis Mantis shrimp. Don't stick your finger in the tank... He'll make you bleed.


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Alright folks, this is it. The competition ends tomorrow. The day of reckoning is upon us.


The good news is that the pest tank has been an overwhelming success. It has far exceeded my wildest expectations.


What happens when you put the vilest denizens of the saltwater aquarium hobby together into one tank? Something truly amazing and beautiful.


You all get a sneak peek at the final Full Tank Shots and Final Equipment Shots for the competition...















The final competition video is processing as I type this... Stay tuned for a close up and intimate look at the most despised and evil creatures in the saltwater hobby. Muahahaha!

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