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Help deciding new tang


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So my blue tang passed yesterday. I'm missing that bright blue pop to the tank. I've always wanted to try a powder blue or brown, but haven't thought they were very hardy. What are your experiences with the powder blue or brown tangs, and would you recommend them?

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I love both of them but couldn't keep either alive. I have lost 2 powder blues and 1 powder brown over the past year. From what I've read they really need to have a 6 ft tank due to their swim pattern but I'm sure someone on here would validate that one. Both of my tanks were at least 6ft and the newer tank is 8ft and had no luck with them. Based on the age of your tank I'm sure you'd be better suited for one then I am that's for sure.

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I loved my Powder Brown, for the few weeks I had it. I would love to get another one, but I would definitely have it quarantined, due to my last one having ich. It might be hard, since I don't have a quarantine tank lol. The one I got was really small and I thought it would do fine in my 65 gallon tank, but maybe it needed more room.

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