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Startin Fresh with rocks from the past


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Ok here is my first installment of my nano tank build(clap)




Patience is the Key. Going to take it slow and get this old rock back in shape befor I set up my tank which will give me time to build the stand and assemble all the parts




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I just scrubbed them down with a new unused tooth brush(man was the wife pissed about that one) and put some fresh water back in the tank with a pump running . I have it in the bathroom because it is dark in there most of the time. When the new tank gets here I will probably switch to salt water and run a skimmer in there. its amazing how much junk came off those rocks . By the way the tooth brush it completely toasted. I still dont know how to post my pictures but when I do I will get the thread updated =)

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Awsome thank you =) going to try right now =)





Me and my daughter scrubin rocks. was amazing how much crap there was on them dust cob webs dead spiders and egg sacs plus the old algea and coraline that was on there !!!!

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Almost done with my stand just need to skin it and put a door on the front . Rocks are doing well and will soon go in the new tank. I love the lights on the cube =) Gona Paint the stand black, it has a outdoor vynil on the top of it so I dont have to worry bout spills damageing the wood


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Got my tank stand done and painted got my tanks set up with lots of help from Brina (the little kinder she is, always had what I need next half way across the room(laugh))


Here are a few pictures after the dust had settled now just gotta wait for it to thouroughly cycle. wich is good it will give me lots of time to research the corals I will be going after to stock it with, I have 2 24w compacts on there for lighting any sugestions as far as low light softies that are not to difficult to raise would be greatly appreciated(naughty).



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Not much to report I did pick up a new small peice of live rock to help seed the old rock it is coated in a nice purple coraline algea, I an planing on getting some garf grunge in the near future as well. I used grunge in the past to seed my tank and like all the varity in coraline algea that it provided as well. If any thing changes I will keep you posted with picks but dont expect much for the next month or two.

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So I was not all that happy witht the way my rocks were aranged so I moved them. I figure its best to do that while its still cycling then after i have fish in it. I am not sure yet just what I am going to keep in there but decided I needed more caves and nooks and cranies. I also picked up one red tip hermit and 1 astrea snail I have a lot of brownish red algea blooming all over my rocks and did not want it to get to out of hand. The two of them have a lot of work to do and I dont think the will be endanger of running out of algea durring the cycling stage of my tank.(clap)


my 2 over worked cuc members hope they dont unionize on me(scary)



Has any one had any experience with clown gobies in a nano tank. Also can they be bought tank bred or only wild I would like to only buy tank raised species of fish for my system corals as well. Not always possible but I will try. thanks for input and feed back.;)

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(clap)got my grunge ordered today it will arive next week. Mean while I will be setting up a 10gal quarantine tank so that it can cycle and be ready for adding fish next month when my tank is reay to put fish in. Also my one snail and one hermit are doing a remarkably good job keeping my tank algea free and sugestions on what I could feed them to keep them happy for the next month if the eat the last of the algea? Should a quarantine tank have a light or not? and should I black out the sides of the tank to reduce stress? thanks all in Advance:cool:

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Ok so I made a mistake last night(flame) I was testing out a light fixture I had built for my fuge area of my filter wanted to see how hot it would get if it even affected the tank when the other lights are off. The bulb is a 13 watt compact flourecent only 2700k

I planned to use a 6500k but it was for a test so i did not go out and buy a new bulb. I check the temp of the tank went to bed and left the light on the fuge. When I came out this morning and looked in the tank the waster has a kind of brownish red tint to it and you can practicaly see the algea floating in the water, and it has been like this most of the day. Is this because i dont have any macro algea in the fuge yet or cause of the color of the bulb I use dor both, even though the tank is still cycling should I do a water change or just let it run its coarse? DOH!

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When I was at the meeting today I was checking out the clown fish and man I did not realize they could get so big. I am having second thoughts about being able to house them in my little tank =( Is it normal for them to grow that large or was that just the breeding pairs that were so big? Maybe I should consider a no fish reef just a shrimp? not sure what do you guys and gals think =) thanks !

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