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ReefSickNess's 170 Gal Reef Build


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(naughty) Will I Just Got a Used New Tank to me From Mr.S Picking it up on Sunday.


Will Post Pics Of the 170 Gal Reef Build as I go along, going to take a little while, going to take it slow.


Tank Size 36 X 36 x 30 Cube with center overflow (scary).


My Plan which may change a few times lol is a Reef with Corals and only Wrase Fish.



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The Tank Has a lot of scratches to many to be a show piece. So did some web surfing on repairing the scratches. Found two options the cheepest was by Tap Plastics the have a buffing compound 2 part to remove minor scratches cost $62.00 the other is to order a heavy scratch removal kit that contains 12 different levels of sand paper starting at 3000 grit to 12000 grit requires power tools. Cost $121.00.

I went with the polish to try 1st.

You all tell me if you see any improvment.


The project area


The Product


Step 1 polish #3


Placeing porduct on working surface


Buffing area with cordless drill and with buffing pad provided in kit


Step #2 wipe off polish after buffing


Step #3 Polish with 2nd polish


Step #4 wipe off polish after buffing.


Step # 5 Turn Tank over and work the inside of the tank on area thats being polished.

Step #6 Apply Heavy Scratch removal polish


Step #7 Buff with polish (Getting into my work)



Step#8 apply 2nd polish


Finshed Porduct


It relly hard to tell the diffrents with the pics but my take the scratches came out but not the deep ones there is a filmey look on the plastic

that I could not remove I will polish all sides and the inside and then plug up holes and add water to see if it is worthy of being in the living room.

If not I will order the $121 dollard kit they clame that finsh product will be like new.



Before polish


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You might try taking some of that headlight polish they sell in auto stores and a buffing wheel. I found it works great for taking out the haze. And actually if you get some super fine sandpaper it does actually work well. Rockler Woodworking sells some of the really super fine grit stuff.

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Update webt to Rockler Woodworking in Beaverton and was able to pick up a Micro Mesh 1500 - 12000 sanding blocks they come fome back doubble sided 9 diffrent grits, 1500,1800,2400,3200,3600,4000,6000,8000,&12000 Made by Micro-Surface.com cost was $24.00.

Looks like Iam going to try the sand paper since the polish is a NO GO.

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Thursday 8/4/11 Palm Sander with 1000 Grit paper, Then Sanding Blocks with 1500 to 12000 gtit wet/dry sand paper on plex glass tank.


There are so many things so wrong with that statement. sand paper / plex glass this sounds like a bad night mare.


Power Tools and plastic (scary)



Now to start the 9 phase wet sanding by hand with micro mesh sanding blocks

outside temp 88 deg 4pm It's Hot




Rinseing tank off widi 9 phases on outside panel and 2 phase on in side.





Ok conclusion.

Sand paper works to my surprize. but I will have to order the heavy scrach removal kit that you attach to a orbital sander since I cant get my fat butt through the hole in top of tank to sand by hand.


Polish $61 from Tap Plastics Worthless

Sanding Blocks $24 from Rockler works well if you have a small tank

Heavy Sanding Kits $121 from http://www.micro-surface.com/

You all getting to see me try and stuff my a$$ into a 36" Cube Priceless(laugh)



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UPdate 8/7/11


After 24 hours of Sanding and Polishing I have been able to remove 99% of the scraches. I am leaving the overflow Frosted and the bottom since it will be covered with sand.


Before Sanding and Polishing.


After Sanding and polishing.



I have a little bit of work left, want to polish it with the novis polish and plug the holes and fill it with water and work on

any scraches that might be left.


It's Time for a Beer.

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