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New guy here...


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Hey guys,


Just wanted to say I"m new here on this forum and kind of new to the Northwest. My name is Edward but most of my friends call me Ed or Eddie. I've been doing aquariums for over ten years now and been doing marine tanks almost the same amount of time. I've worked in the industry starting at a local fish store in Southern Ca then did servicing of aquariums for homes and businesses and such. It was really cool working for a lfs in that I got to go to all the tradeshows and meet all the reps for the companies of the products we use in our reefs. I miss that. I'm now finishing up my degree at the U of O.


I have a small home so not as much room for tanks (I had seven tanks at my old place) and am down to a single freshwater and a nanoreef. The nano reef gets a TON of attention however (just ask my girlfriend). Here's the tale of the tape:


-16 gallon Bowfront glass

-Ehein 2213 canister filter (no bio media, just sponge and carbon)

-2x40 watt Power Compact fixture w/LED moonlight

-Circulation: One Maxijet 1200, One Maxijet 900. Both have the hydor flow wavemaker attachement (yeah I know that's alot of flow for this size tank but I'm kind of obsessed with flow)

- DIY hang-on refugium with about five inches of sand and, some Chaetomorpha sp. seaweed and a REd Mangrove lit by its own hanging PC light



As for livestock:

-3 Sinularia and 2 Sarcophytons

-T. crocea clam

-A couple of featherdusters

-Echinoderms: a sea cucumber, Fromia sp. starfish, 2 snall urchins (?)

-Coral banded shrimp

-couple of snails, a really cool limpet, some nassarius snails

-Fish: Three damsels, a Six line Wrasse, and a Percula Clownfish



The tank's been running for about two years now and doing great. Like many of our tanks my tank has evolved from a simple set up to a really complicated thing wiht all kinds of tubes and cables. Personally I kinda dig that. If I could afford it, I'd get all kinds of monitors for it too. I'm toying around with the idea of setting up a bigger tank just so I can build a surge device for it. We'll see.


I don't get out a whole lot. Partly it's because I don't drive anymore. I lost a good chunk of my eyesight shortly before I moved up here to Eugene. I'm still getting used to it. I mostly hang out with the girlfriend and go to school or get a beer with a friend. Not sure if I could be able to make it to too many meetings but who knows, maybe I can host a small get together at my place. The house isn't super big but you'd be more than welcome to stop by. It's always good to chat with fellow reef geeks.


Ok well that's me in a nut-shell

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Welcome Eddie, glad to see more people from the south coming abored, there is works on South meeting happening soon so going North may not even have to happen! Have any questions feel free to pm me, I have a nano in Eugene in my office as well.

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Welcome Eddie,


The Southern Meeting are going to start in May. There has been a boom of new members in the area and I wanted to make the meetings a little more accessible to our more southern members. This will also give our Corvallis/Albany/Salem members some more options. Welcome again and we hope you enjoy the site.



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Eddie, just ignore the beaver believers (laugh)


There is some friendly ribbing that goes on sometimes between us duck and beaver fans. Its all in fun! :D

Another duck believer here. I believe in roasting at least one every fall. Thought I did promise to have roast beaver next year. Do anyone know where to get beaver meat?
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