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I stopped by today and picked up an awesome yuma and some 2part mix.

i met tom, who is the new-old guy, he is a great guy, i call him Jordan 2.0

anyways, thank you for your patience with my questions and the wonderful help.

the store was the most busy i had ever seen it, but somehow tom did it all!



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I've been to just about every shop in town but Upscales. I got to get out there one of these days. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of what you got.


OMG, you have never been to upscales??? I guess it's out of your way, but you have to see his DTs.


P.S. I still haven't made it up your way to se the new OIAB yet so I shouldn't talk. LOL. ;)

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Yes Travis, it's great to see Tom back on board! He helped me pick out a nice selection of SPS frags and bigger clusters today. I was trying to talk him into counting one of your grow outs in the back of the tank as a $15 frag, but no go...

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