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Monti Placement


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Hey guys another noob question for ya. I have a Monti I have placed in the tank. I am kind of concerned about placing it way up at the top as I wasnt sure how much shading it will do to anything I put below it.


So heres the question. I have a nice ledge mid tank that I have placed it but about 1/4 of the monti is shaded by a rock above it, the rest is in good light. Will this small section of shading be detrimental to that portion of the monti?


As always, thanks for the help.

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The part in the shade may turn a different color. Either bleach out/die or may turn brown...


Or if the rest of it is in too high of light the shaded part may get the best color.


I don't know what kind of light you are talking about, or anything else about your tank. This is all important information to know, as is the type of montipora...



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You might think about glueing them to your backwall of your tank. I did that for some of my monti caps. I was running out of room to put them where they wouldn't shade the other corals or you can glue on a rock just above the sand. They are not shading anything there.

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A lot will depend on the type of Montipora. If it's a M. capricornis, or other "scrolling/cap" type of Monti, it will definitely cast a lot of shadow, below it, as it grows. If it's an encrusting Montipora, such as an M. undata, make sure to give it lots of real estate to encrust, but it won't shadow anything below it, as it'll pretty much follow the contour of the rock. If it's a branching coral, such as Montipora digitata, it will grow QUICKLY, so give it plenty of room to grow. Depending on your lighting, you may be able to keep it lower in your tank, without any issues at all.

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