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Moving... need some help and storage tanks


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We signed for the new house and we should get the keys on monday.

I need to move the tanks. Unfortunately I can't do it during the weekend, because we need to leave the old place before then.


I need some help for moving the tanks and livestock.

I need a couple of storage tanks, like the big rubbermaid. Either borrow or buy.

I need some heaters and powerheads for a couple of days.

The new house is only a couple of miles from the current location and it is on Alberta St in Portland.



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Thanks to all of you guys!

I will set up the tanks in a temporary location in the basement. Later on I will upgrade the display, probably it is gonna be inwall.

Smann, I accept your offer! I think with a few 50g rubbermaid I will be set. I'm gonna leave the rock and corals in the rubbermaid for a day or two, while I re-plumb the system.

I'll send you a pm

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It is official now: we got the keys today :)

So the tank move is scheduled for this friday.

Steve (smann) was so nice to meet and give me 4 nice 50g rummermaid tanks. I do have powerheads, but I need some heaters. I should be using them for a couple of days or so.

Thanks for all your help and support!

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It is official now: we got the keys today :)

So the tank move is scheduled for this friday.

Steve (smann) was so nice to meet and give me 4 nice 50g rummermaid tanks. I do have powerheads, but I need some heaters. I should be using them for a couple of days or so.

Thanks for all your help and support!


Congratulations on the new house! I know you're excited! I remember not having a clue what I was signing with my first home! (laugh)

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My system was moved thanks to Brandon (lewisthefisherman) and Kris.

They were amazing and I wouldn't be able to do it without them.

All the big sps colonies were intact.

One of the 4 temporary tanks we set up had problems and I lost all the sps and lps that were in there.

I lost my most loved chalices: a 25 eyes Oregon Mummy Eye, a 20 eyes Bazooka Joe, a 10 eyes Miami Hurricane and a few more.

It happened in a few hours, so I didn't have time to fix the issue, because we were moving the rest of the tanks. Probably it was a temperature issue.

I saved all the rest of the corals that were in that tank and they are looking good, including the grow out ones.


It was a sad day and me and Jamie really thought about quitting for a while. We grew the chaliches from a tiny frag and they were Jamie's favs.

We decided to keep the corals and to rebuild our chalices collection. Hopefully we are gonna stay in this new home for a while.

Thank you again Brandon and Kris

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My system was moved thanks to Brandon (lewisthefisherman) and Kris.

They were amazing and I wouldn't be able to do it without them.

All the big sps colonies were intact.

One of the 4 temporary tanks we set up had problems and I lost all the sps and lps that were in there.

I lost my most loved chalices: a 25 eyes Oregon Mummy Eye, a 20 eyes Bazooka Joe, a 10 eyes Miami Hurricane and a few more.

It happened in a few hours, so I didn't have time to fix the issue, because we were moving the rest of the tanks. Probably it was a temperature issue.

I saved all the rest of the corals that were in that tank and they are looking good, including the grow out ones.


It was a sad day and me and Jamie really thought about quitting for a while. We grew the chaliches from a tiny frag and they were Jamie's favs.

We decided to keep the corals and to rebuild our chalices collection. Hopefully we are gonna stay in this new home for a while.

Thank you again Brandon and Kris



Well that sucks Alex. They almost start feeling like children when you grow them up from that size. We don't usually get to that point because Beth can't stay away from the band saw and I can't resist my capitalistic tendancies! I've got a frag of OME I can give you a killer deal or trade. I also have a Miami hurricane that we could frag. My bazooka joe is just a super slow grower but it's getting there. When it gets to a decent size. I will keep you in mind.


I'm glad you didn't let the setback discourage you and make you give up. The forum would not be the same without you and Jamie.

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