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This will be a group buy for Members and non-members of the club and forum.

This Group Buy will be for Maricultured sps colonies, that means they are Grown in

the ocean untill they reach a certain size .These colonies will be about the average size you see in the stores, anyware from 3"-6" aprox. The specs.We should be able to get most of the standard species:Acro's, Monti's ect. There will be list put out to see what is available before we order.



You will be able to select your species and color for the most part. So say you want a

Acropora horrida in blue and they don't have one available Then you may get another Horrida or maybe another species in blue. So this is not a exact science, there may be people who don't get the exact coral they order just because of availablity. We will do are best to get you the Coral you want but want to make everyone aware that you could get a total different species and color. We hope that wouln't happen and everyone get exactly what they want but it is a real possibillity .




Everyone will have to prepay before the order is placed, We will provide a paypal account that people can pay to or cash.



People up North and South.

I want you to have the option of doing this group buy, so I will try to make Arangements for one trip to say Albany for drop off and the same idea for anyone up north. These must be arranged before we order so there is no confusion. I might even be able to shipp them overnight, not sure we will see if anyone want's that.



The deal is that the LFS that does this for this price will not open the boxes or hold ANYTHING. SO YOU MUST PICK UP YOUR CORALS WHEN THEY COME IN. I will be trying to distribute these all myself, so I will try to pick a central location and have people pick them up there.Anything that is left and not picked up will be the owners responsibility. I will not open the bags so if you don't pick it up for 3 day's it will still be in the bag. If a colony is left more than 7 days It will be auctioned off and proceeds will go to TFT, NO exceptions.



Who get's what coral? THis is how this will go. If you are the only one to order a purple montipora and we recieve a purple montipora that will be your's. However if 3 people order a Green Acropora loripes than the person that ordered the most colony's will get first choice and so on ..... example I order 5 colony's total and Dan ordered 3 And Sally ordered 1. I get first pick of the green Loripes then dan get's secound then sally.This seems like the only fair way to distibute. I don't think there will be a ton of similar corals chosen but who knows .The more you order the better your choices will be.



Club Members $25 for each colony

Non-member $29 for each colony

This price includes shipping.

The Place that is ordering the colony's for us is a Sponsor of this site.


Will this Help non members want a membership? I hope so.



UPDATE: Looks like we will have the coral list hopefully on monday.

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We will shoot for ordering around the 4th or 5th of april for delivery later in that week.

We will be ordering only full boxes (approx 25 colony's fit in a box) So if we get 2 and a half boxes worth of corals the last people to order will not get there orders, there orders will be canceled because only full boxes will be shipped. Order early to avoid yours being the cutoff.

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Just a few things to think about handling in this kind of group buy with Sps if it hasn't been addressed yet. 1. There can be a dead colony or two upon arrival. 2. Usually 1-3 colonies will RTN within a day or two of them being shipped. 3. Watch out for teddy bear crabs, they come in abundance on the acros. 4. At least dip the monti's i've had several with nudi's on them.

Otherwise this is a pretty darn good price on maricultured corals.

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Just a few things to think about handling in this kind of group buy with Sps if it hasn't been addressed yet. 1. There can be a dead colony or two upon arrival. 2. Usually 1-3 colonies will RTN within a day or two of them being shipped. 3. Watch out for teddy bear crabs, they come in abundance on the acros. 4. At least dip the monti's i've had several with nudi's on them.

Otherwise this is a pretty darn good price on maricultured corals.


Thanks for the tips Robert. I'm always very leery of wild montis.

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since theres a chance a few per box are DOA, how is that handled? Prob just SOL huh?


I think we could hedge the lost colonies by adding $2 to each colony. at 25 colonies per box, $2 extra bucks a colony would cover 2 DOA colonies for the unlucky persons involved. Then if they are all good, TFT has an extra $50 in the budget.

I'm considering 3 depending on the list and would hate to have 2 DOA and be SOL.


Just a thought.

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since theres a chance a few per box are DOA, how is that handled? Prob just SOL huh?


I think we could hedge the lost colonies by adding $2 to each colony. at 25 colonies per box, $2 extra bucks a colony would cover 2 DOA colonies for the unlucky persons involved. Then if they are all good, TFT has an extra $50 in the budget.

I'm considering 3 depending on the list and would hate to have 2 DOA and be SOL.


Just a thought.


This is not a bad idea at all! Nice thinking Pete. I'd be for this.

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Ok the update.The Problem is that they are having problems getting the new paperwork for doing transhippments from Bali. It could be tommorrow it could be next month. I guess we will just cancel this until this problem is solved. I want to thank the sponsor for his time trying to get this going and the people who wanted to do this. I may try again in 5 or 6 months again .

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Ok the update.The Problem is that they are having problems getting the new paperwork for doing transhippments from Bali. It could be tommorrow it could be next month. I guess we will just cancel this until this problem is solved. I want to thank the sponsor for his time trying to get this going and the people who wanted to do this. I may try again in 5 or 6 months again .


Could we get colonies from a different location?


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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