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5 fish dead in 24 hours ??????


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So in the last week I have lost 6 fish. A week ago I lost a clown tang that I had for like 3 days. Last night I lost:

2 Picasso Clowns

1 Tailspot Blenny

1 Lawn Mower Blenny

1 Blue Throat trigger


Of course I checked my params and everything is just perfect. My sps and a Cleaner Wrasse look fine. The temp sways between 80 at night and 82 during the day. I do have a maxi mini but I cant imagine it stinging 5 fish in 24 hours. I only found the body of one Picasso and it had no signs of injury. None of the fish had any signs of illness last night. I have had the two blennies for more that a couple years. The other fish were new but I got them from differant places. I have seldom lost a fish so this is new ground for me and pretty upsetting. Some wierd disease? anyone have any suggestions??


:( :( :( :(

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Your welcome to have the coral beauty back. If its velvet this fish is going in the garbage


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk


This came after I set up this tank. So the coral beauty was already gone. I think it must have come in on the clown tang I bought later, since he was the first death. I am pretty sure the CB would have already been dead. He has been out of my system for a couple weeks.

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Well thats a relief for me but sorry for your loss. I had a powder blue take out my tank a few months ago.

This came after I set up this tank. So the coral beauty was already gone. I think it must have come in on the clown tang I bought later' date=' since he was the first death. I am pretty sure the CB would have already been dead. He has been out of my system for a couple weeks.[/quote']




Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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If you have already had the coral beauty in your tank then you have a contaminated tank. if it is velvet. If the coral beauty is in a quarantine tank. just treat the tank for velvet. Thats what I would do..


though normally you can see signs of velvet on the fish. when I got velvet in my tank, I saw symptoms before they all died.


Maybe the fish had a bacterial internal infection. Though most I believe will show edxternal signs first before they die. Id put in a uv sterilizer if you got one.. Just to be sure..Were your fish eating prior to all dying? I believe but don't quote me on this that most sicknesses effect eating habits.


I like to disected and microscope my fish if they die to see what killed them, but that is just me, and I am a bit wierd.. But if you still have a clown body of what not Id do that.. alot of pet stores will do that for you too, if you dont have a microscope.


But Id say maybe you had lack of air in your tank... or maybe a polution of something in your tank like a chemical...


Thats my guess.. but I'm not a scientist.

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