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150 gallon transition tank


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So I am at a loss, do I start a thread that is for the 400 gallon inwall I have now decided I will be doing (as to the 500 gallon) or just start this thread-I only start this one since the tank will be up a while and I am sure I am going to add corals.


So I set a 150 gallon marineland tank that I drove to Seattle to get since it was such a great deal, the tank was brand new and had never been set up.


I got this tank to hold all my corals/fish etc while I remodel my family room, that will, when its all over, house a 400 gallon in wall tank 72x48x27-(drooler) anyway, thats another thread


I built the stand but left it simple since I am going to be selling all of this later this year and figure why spend money that I will never get back-DOH!




I threw together a light hanger to hold the 2 of the 3 lumemax elites that are the 400 watt single mogul MH type




The sump was made by James at envision (I was told, I bought it used as well, and it too will be sold later-(laugh) (after the switch to the final tank) Also pictured is the monster calcium reactor I bought from ox




I had a dart that I got from Frank that I had originally had for the return but ended up buying an Iron Might pump, Iron Might makes very nice pump, I believe Tim at Westside uses this brand on his main tank-I would recommend this pump, very energy efficiant and it pushes a lot of water, you can see the SWC 200 skimmer laying in its side that I will use (this also will be sold later-(clap))



Tim had a pre order sale on rock a while back and I bought 3 pieces that weighed about 55 pounds each, they take up nearly the entire bottom of the tank.








I was not able to put all the rock I have in this tank since I still need to move everything from this tank into the 150 once it cycles-(these are really rushed crappy pics-IMO)

This tank is what is coming down (and too will be for sale-(whistle))









This was the tank about 20 months ago, the only thing I still own is the tyree green toadstool-(nutty)

see the pretty Xenia waving in the tank(laugh), the leathers, the hydno that kills everything, the fuzzy mushrooms, the zoas, the nem, all those things I had before I was cursed by the fatal wallet draining bite of


"The Colored Stick/Chalice monster"-(scary)





Well now I just sit and wait-which is something I am not that good at-(scary)


Oh have I mentioned how much my wife appreciates me taking over the living room for my "transition tank"-(flame) making it just another room, I took over for my frish crap-(wife)


Actually the wife is beyond cool, and she remembers the day we got our first SW Reef tank (when living at anapartment on the 2nd floor with 4 tanks), 20+ years ago and me saying how cool it will be to some day have a sweet inwall tank.(drooler)


Well I am almost there-(naughty)




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I'm not sure if this is a for sale thread or a build thread.....hmmmmmmm(laugh)


I was not very subtle, is that what you mean?, at least I did not mention the tank, sump, skimmer, return pump, clacium reactor, extra sump. extra calcium reactor, Co2 bottle, regulator and all the other things I will be selling-That would not be ok-(Laugh)




Definitely want to see the whole transition set up' date=' That's part of the build!. Is that dry reef rock/ are you going to seed it first?[/quote']


Not sure Steve what you mean by seeding it, I would suspect not. I threw 10 pounds of live sand in the tank (seeding it I think) and 30+ pounds of live rock from my main 75 gallon display.

As I do weekly water changes i take the water from the 75 and and swap it with water in the 150.


I also have 1 dead fish, (actually just the skeleton now) and 4 damsels in the sump to help cycle the tank.


Once I see the normal spikes and falls from a cycle, I MAY drain the 75 and use all that water and move all the corals and rock and water into the 150. I am VERY nervous about doing it this way. I would wait at least a few weeks after the cycle to do this-I am not wanting to loose what took a few years to grow and obtain


Lookin good man....We gotta talk about the tank that's being torn down LOL.


yes I remember you mentioning that!

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I was not very subtle, is that what you mean?, at least I did not mention the tank, sump, skimmer, return pump, clacium reactor, extra sump. extra calcium reactor, Co2 bottle, regulator and all the other things I will be selling-That would not be ok-(Laugh)


I though it was going to be 3 tanks for sale, I guess I should have read this better..(laugh)


Either way it's looking good. I'm looking to upgrade to a 120 soon myself.

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Holy frag racks batman, you are ready for a bigger tank ! Nice to finally see some pics. That Ca reactor looks like a beast, with a blueline (i believe) on it. nice! Where were you able to track down the Iron Might? I to looked around for one, although not as hard as I should have? Nice begining to a build thread if you ask me, a full documentation of the process. If you need any help in a pinch give me a hollar.

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You need a good valentine's day present now :)

Looking good. This is gonna be another killer tank! (not this actually... the final one. I still don't know if it os gonna be 400 or 500 or what?)


Its gonna be a 400 gallon-"FINAL ANSWER" and I am sticking to it, F 72x48x27




Nice work Brad. Yeah I can't wait for the inwall build to happen. That's going to be awesome judging from how nice the transition tank is going.




I know the final tank will be awesome, I am certain of that-


What are the dimensions on the 150 DD? I'll be looking forward to seeing this transform into a 400 in-wall. That's a heck of a project.


72x18x27-I'm looking forward to it too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a big update


So I finally have a cycled tank.


I figured when I saw the diatom bloom all was good so I got the water tested and things look good.


I went to Eddies Reef this weekend and grabbed the MP40 they were basiclly giving away and also grabbed the battery back up. That allowed me to take the "corded" pumps out and add the DIY screen covers I made since my order from BRS also showed.


I then went to OIAB and grabbed 5 disbar anthias, these fish are so funny. I got them because they school and when you walk up to the tank they all come up front and stare, its hilarious. I dont know why the pics look like they have stripes-(scratch)


I also went to SWF and grabbed a Blue eyed Kole tang since I read thy help eat diatoms and are great "grazers"


That was in the afternoon and later that night I added 200 inverts (CUC).


I woke up this morning to a spotless tank-(laugh) I still can believe how clean they got everything, totally amazed


I swear every rock had bits of algae (some long and thick mats) and was brown with diatom, the sand was "spotty" and that CUC wiped out the tank and it is totally clean.










Tonight I think its time for the skimmer to get hooked up, and then dial in the calicum reactor. I have another MP40 showing Friday and then I think I am all equipped and can start making the move from the 75

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well its been 3 weeks so I thought i would post a few updated shots-(whistle)


3 weeks ago;







I have been busy moving over some of the corals from the 75 gallon, I have about 85% over now-Sadly I realized how over crowded I was beause IMO, I am full again-DOH!


And today


Right Side;



Left Side;





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