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Exclusive FF SPS Group buy/grow out

Harold B

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Hi, I'm looking for two maybe three (depending on what this group feels comfortable doing) experienced reefers with SPS tanks to colaborate on a small group, large order, group buy from Fantastic Frags. I personally have been wanting several (all,haha) of the nicer ORA corals and others for quite some time. I have yet to do this because of the great cost this would be for one individual with shipping. My idea is to find a few people from the forum (including myself) who are quite capeable of reasonably quick, sucessful SPS growth to split the cost of a large order. In doing this with the right people, my hopes are to allow for a large number of corals to be recieved by each participant for a fraction of the cost, in a fairly quick time frame,(comparatively speaking). Each person would have equal input in all desicions/aspects pertaining to the buy. I have already made contact with FF and although no exact terms have been set in stone at this time, a discount will be given on our large order. If the above person sounds like you, and think you might be interested in participating contact me by PM. Thanks Harold

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OK so All who would like to be a part of this: Look at the FF website under the SPS heading (acro's/Monti's) and pick out your Five favorite/most desired ORA/other pieces and PM me a list. EXCEPT:(blue tip tenius, deepwater A., suharsoni, NO.1 tricolor, blue and pink milli, Jokers Revenge, Carls candlelight, lupe pokani, ORA chips and ORA green fuzzy) These pieces I was told will not be available. However anything else is game! I'll compare the lists and come up with the ones most people have picked and then post the list for revisions. Also include a $ amount that you think should be our amount. I personally would like to see $100 a person if there is going to be more than just 2 or 3 people. That would insure a good amount of pieces.JMO Any other ideas or comments postem up.

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