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Frag Tank Fish?


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I have these little snail type guys not sure if they are limpets? Anyways they keep the tank algae free, multiply on there own and are to small to knock over frags. And they don't eat corals. I got them from Nick at rose city originally they came in on the bottom off a zoa frag.

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Geeze you tang nuts how about a Soho, I mean it is a 25 gallon, I dont think it will exhibit any anxiety-(laugh)


Seriously though, would any tang do good in a 25 gallon-and be happy, I'm a noob but I sense that is rather small

Heck maybe a naso then a soho


My vote is the lawnmower


yeah, i don't think any tang would be happy in a 25g tank. lawnmower blenny is the way to go.

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The rule of thumb I've learned about frag tanks is NO FISH.

You are growing corals or fish in there? I hate when I'm trying to spot feed some precious frags and all the little fishes think it is their moment too lol

You will end up fighting with hungry fish with the turkey baster

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If you do wrasses you need a lid which cuts your light for your frags... but it is nice to have something to eat the flatworms if you get em. A yellow coris or 6 line would not eat much fish food, if they have a cycled tank to hunt in. Do you already have algae in the tank? Some tangs are specialists... chocolate tangs are the only one I know to slurp up bryopsis so that would be a good idea. Other algaes are easier to get rid of with maintenance/prevention.

Probably would be better to quarantine everything that goes in and not put any fish in it, so you don't get algae or flatworms. Then it is one less tank to feed, less work.

Watch out for blue leg hermits, I have seen them take apart a blueberry gorgonian. Don't know what else they eat, especially in a tank where they don't get leftover fish food/fish poop.


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I run 2 60 gallon 12" deep frag tanks with no lids, one has 2 clarkii's, 1 trigger, 1 kole, 2 damsels, 1 algae blenny and a 6 line wrasse, turbo's & hermits, sally lightfoot. The other has 1 sailfin tang, 1 mata tang, 2 yellow coris wrasses, 2 true percs, astreas, blue leg, scarlet & zebra hermits, 2 emerald crabs.


They keep my tanks pretty stripped of algae and parasites.

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My frag tank is hooked into the sump of my large tank and its mostly zoas and a few sticks on top. Don't think Ill be doing spot feeding. Don't really have an algae problem, but we do get frags that have algae on them and sometimes we end up with a little cheato in our tank from our sump.

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