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How many tangs is too many ??


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(scratch) Ok so I have a regular 90 gallon tank with 4 Tangs and they are as followed Desjardini Sailfin ,Bristletooth Tomini Tang , Blue (hippo) Tang & a Purple Tang . So what do you people think out there . They all get along great no fighting for the most part but the only thing I worried about is when they get full grown what are they going to do to tank (scary) . I like them all but I think I would like to get 2 out of the tank and get a couple smaller fish like wrasses or fire fish. What does the community think out there ?? & I all so only have 2 clown fish , a blue damsel , shrimp goby and a pistol shrimp , and a couple other inverts and thats all and of course corals and what not and I all so have about 200 lbs of live rock in there as well . So if you guy could help it would be great & thanks again for your time

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Most "purists" would say that getting rid of 2 would probably be better, not for the bioload but for the space.

I have a similar problem, but my tank is long and I got 3 small guys a year ago, so I have time before i will upgrade.

If they are dong well you can keep them until they grow out too much.

I'm not a fish expert though. Hope this helps

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Yeah...how big are they? I have a 210 with 5 tangs. 90 seems a little small for 4 tangs in the long run. My tangs are awesome cause they keep my display clean as a whistle as far as algae goes. I would watch and see which ones are the best nuisance algae eaters! If you ask Oxx155 he will say "The more tangs the better!!" But he has a 400 gallon 10' tank! LOL!! And he has 14 or so in it. I love my tangs too!



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Kinda depends, like Grassi said the purist will say no way. You would get flamed by the tang police over at reef central. Those are pretty good community fish. If they all get a long well then wait until they get bigger and you have an excuse to upgrade. Kinda depends on the length of your tank. But like I said, its an excuse to upgrade later.


I love tangs, have 4 myself in my 180, 3 the same as you, minus the purple tang. My 4th is a whitecheek. They all get along pretty good, my sailfin and my kole bicker once in a while but nothing to bad. Throw in my pair of blue jaw triggers and I got a few big fish in there. All are happy and fat.


I say if their happy and healthy your ok for now.


Good luck, and lets see some pictures of those tangs.

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IMO get rid of the Sailfin and Blue(hippo) when they get bigger, not full size. full size for a sailfin and a blue is like 12" and that would just be ridicluous to have (2) 12" fish in a 90. The Purple and bristletooth don't get as large and should be fine. I have heard that Purple tangs can get aggressive that might be a problem in the future.


i have a 400g tank with a sailfin, yellow, blue(hippo) and vlamingi tangs and i will not add anymore tangs cause I believe this gives them all plenty of room to grow. i believe it's healthier to give the tangs room to grow rather than to have to remove fish when they outgrow the tank. that's just my opinion.

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Tangs! YAY!

I guess I am the Tang lover. I used to have 12 in a 450 gallon, I have since lost a few (bad decisions on my part), but I am sure I will eventually have up to 15.

Anyway, 90 is on the small side for 4 full size Tangs, you could go a year or so, but eventually you will need to either lose 1 or 2 (I am sure I can provide a good home for them for you, LOL).

Or it gives you a good reason to upgrade to a 180 and use your 90 as a sump.

Keep in mind that Tangs eat a lot too, so if you reduce you may save some money.


Best of luck

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Tangs! YAY!

I guess I am the Tang lover. I used to have 12 in a 450 gallon, I have since lost a few (bad decisions on my part), but I am sure I will eventually have up to 15.

Anyway, 90 is on the small side for 4 full size Tangs, you could go a year or so, but eventually you will need to either lose 1 or 2 (I am sure I can provide a good home for them for you, LOL).

Or it gives you a good reason to upgrade to a 180 and use your 90 as a sump.

Keep in mind that Tangs eat a lot too, so if you reduce you may save some money.


Best of luck


+1 to tangs eating. i adopted a tang from oxx155 and he wasn't lying when a 12" tang eats several full sized sheets of nori a day oh wait thats just for breakfast.

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I want to say thanks to all the info and what not. Now with all the info I think its save to say I will have to get a bigger tank and everything else so I can keep them all I like them all but I would all so like to get some nice peacefully fish but then again that is what i'll us my wife tank to get the same peacefully fish

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I feed 25 sheets of Little Fishies Nori Sheets every 3 days (10 Green, 10 Purple, 5 Red). It barely keeps up, sometimes they are completely out (and the net has been picked clean) before I get a chance to even look.


I recently built net containers out of 1/4" mesh to hold the seaweed, this way they can graze when they want and there is no worry about chunks being torn off and going down the overflow. There are two containers, one on each side of the tank, so there is less fighting when I put the seaweed in.

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There are two keys to keeping CRAZY numbers of fish in the tank. One is feed them a lot and often, the other is the numbers of fish...when you have so many fish in the tank, no one fish gets singled out and picked on...the brawling that does take place is pretty spread out amongst all the fish.


I had a 46 bowfront with a Mata Tang, Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Yellow Belly Blue Hippo Tang, Auriga Butterfly, a Mated pair of B+W Ocellaris Clowns, a Pajama Cardinal, a Royal Gramma, half a dozen Chromis, and a little puffer all in there. Everyone got along great. Unfortunately my GF brought a sick fish home and cross contaminated the water from the QT with the other tanks...all our fish went through Marine Velvet. I lost my 9" Queen Angel, my achilles Tang, my Chevron tang, and most of the fish from the previous list. All I have left is the Purple tang, The regular Blue Hippo, the puffer, and the Clowns.


I have my 155 up now though. The bowfront rocks. I already have a Kole Eye tang, a Regular Sailfin, and a Blocchi Tang in there. I also have a neon cleaner goby in there to clean the tangs. I have 3 micro blue hippos going in there soon as well.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I had to shoot an update to you on the thread here. I have 5 tangs in my 15 gallon nano. I have a Desjardini Sailfin Tang, a Clown Tang, and 3 Blue Hippo Tangs. I also have a 6 line wrasse in there. They are all doing great together. I am moving them shortly to the 35 gallon cube, but still...they are all together.




Post a picture of that on reef central and shoot me a link LOL

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