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Edit Button-please explain or return


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I suggest the edit button be returned to its rightful spot-


The classifieds are affected greatly by not having it.


Grow out competition threads are affected by it


Group Grow outs are affected by it.


In all the (short) time I have been a member I personally have had more inconveniences in two days by it not being here, and I am only one person (since the voices in my head don’t count), and if it is happening to me it has got to be happening to others.


Put it on the scale and weigh the pros and cons- I just don’t see the up side-if it is to hold people accountable to what they type-well that just cant be the reason-or at least I hope it isn’t


I would just like to see it return or at least a sound explanation as to why it is no longer here-maybe there is a good justifiable reason, I just have not spent the time perhaps others have and weighed out the options-


Thanks for reading

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Well, I think I was the one that started it for accountability purposes....but I think that either group buys and grow outs should be combined in a forum that does allow edit.....or allow edit to the first post of the thread only for sales, grow outs, and group buy purposes....

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My guess as it happened after madmike's thread is it happened so people couldn't say something inflammatory leave it up and then delete it and not be accountable for their actions. In that thread it was Eric and he even felt it shouldn't happen. I agree it has caused some unforeseen problems and has been a particular pain in the classifieds. I could do a poll.......

I feel the intentions were good but not sure it outweighs the problems

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Without an edit button I see multiple posts because people will have to explain themselves over and over. It should be there for the sells and it should be there because sooner or later someone will forget something in a post. And instead of just being able to fix it............. there will be post after post of them posting the same thing with a minor adjustment to it here and there.


If there is a vote I say put it back. Or "YES" for the edit button.

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My guess as it happened after madmike's thread is it happened so people couldn't say something inflammatory leave it up and then delete it and not be accountable for their actions. In that thread it was Eric and he even felt it shouldn't happen. I agree it has caused some unforeseen problems and has been a particular pain in the classifieds. I could do a poll.......

I feel the intentions were good but not sure it outweighs the problems


I was going to suggest a poll but figured you'd already be started on making one...(laugh)

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My guess as it happened after madmike's thread is it happened so people couldn't say something inflammatory leave it up and then delete it and not be accountable for their actions. In that thread it was Eric and he even felt it shouldn't happen. I agree it has caused some unforeseen problems and has been a particular pain in the classifieds. I could do a poll.......

I feel the intentions were good but not sure it outweighs the problems


Well there is a difference between 'delete' and edit. Maybe something can be put in place so the deleting of posts cannot be done. But editing can be done.

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It really makes it difficult for sellers and buyers. It used to be very easy to go back to the original post and add "sold" in red next to the items that have been purchased. I hate going through post after post to find out that something is sold after reading 10-30 posts. Feels too much like RC!

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When everyone says it's to hold people accountable what do you mean? To be sure that whatever inflammatory was said continues to have an inflammatory effect? If someone goes to the effort to delete an inflammatory post then chances are pretty good they decided that it was a bad idea. All of us make mistakes from time to time and it's a shame when we feel we need to keep each other from trying to make ammends for those mistakes.

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I still dont understand why the edit button was removed. I have used it many times to correct spelling or to add something after the original post. What is wrong with changing your mind after you posted something and things cooled down. If there is a problem take action against the person not the forum format!

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Re: Edit Button-please explain or return


Editing should now be available in the classified sections only. Let me know if you are still having problems with this.




Can we get a group buy section with same privilages in addition to these privilages to grow out forum as well.....


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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I still dont understand why the edit button was removed. I have used it many times to correct spelling or to add something after the original post. What is wrong with changing your mind after you posted something and things cooled down. If there is a problem take action against the person not the forum format!


Because people like drama(scratch). Way to much of it lately. If someone has a problem with something posted, quote it, even if they edit it, it will still show up. Then deal with the person accordingly. Removing the edit function just so people "cant be held accountable" for something they ran there mouth about is just punishing everyone else for ones mistakes. Sorry not a fan of group punishment. 500+ employees, 2 get caught looking at porn at work, who gets punished? 498 employes get there internet taken away instead of punishing the 2.



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Because people like drama(scratch). Way to much of it lately. If someone has a problem with something posted, quote it, even if they edit it, it will still show up. Then deal with the person accordingly. Removing the edit function just so people "cant be held accountable" for something they ran there mouth about is just punishing everyone else for ones mistakes. Sorry not a fan of group punishment. 500+ employees, 2 get caught looking at porn at work, who gets punished? 498 employes get there internet taken away instead of punishing the 2.




I agree!...........EDIT......Could this be looked at again and perhaps discussed............Thanks

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Again my thoughts as to why it was removed is mere speculation would love to hear from the board. Like I said before, I know it was not to create more drama. I know it wasn't to make someone be locked in for making a mistake.


In the Madmike thread, I was upset with Eric because he deleted his thread and then tried to act like he didn't do anything and didn't say anything that I felt was out of line. I know people make mistakes and regret what they say. I just didn't feel like it was okay to stir up drama and then act like he didn't do anything and by deleting the post somehow made it all go away. However, I do think it would have been appropriate for madmike to have been able to edit the member's name.


You guys really want a poll?(laugh) I probably would have already thrown one up there if I wasn't at the casino right now!:p


The edit button remains for 15 minutes. Surely 15 minutes is enough to realize you have made a mistake...(scratch)(whistle)


I really try to think when I post believe it or not but there were a few times I have made a mistake and I apologized. Most recently the classified section and it was nice to be able to delete my post.


I'm glad that it was put back in the classified section.

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Because people like drama(scratch). Way to much of it lately. If someone has a problem with something posted, quote it, even if they edit it, it will still show up. Then deal with the person accordingly. Removing the edit function just so people "cant be held accountable" for something they ran there mouth about is just punishing everyone else for ones mistakes. Sorry not a fan of group punishment. 500+ employees, 2 get caught looking at porn at work, who gets punished? 498 employes get there internet taken away instead of punishing the 2.




I totally agree with the bold words 1,000,000%!!!!!!!!!

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Well I sent a PM to chief yesterday after I read it was restored to the classifieds-It also need to be returned to the group grow out sections and also the gROW OUT cOMP. SEDCTIOn. If they (who ever "they" are) want to still have it not available for all the rest-well, that's fine, its sort of a "who really cares" to me but when it is counter productive and will create more posts as a result as it would in the sections I referenced well its not a good decision-IME and IMO


Time will tell if the squeeky wheels get greased again

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