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Wrasse questions?


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I'm not sure what type of wrase I should get to help rid my tank of worms. I have a few different types of worms in the tank. I tried to take some pictures last night but I just couldn't quite get a good enough picture. I have bristle worms and peanut worms that I know of. Who knows what else is in the tank.


I've always wanted a leopard wrase but not sure if that would be the best fit for my tank to rid the bristle worms. Any help would be great. I've been adding a lot of rock lately so I'm sure I brought in a bunch on here too.

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I've heard about six line wrasse's as well. I just read that I could do an arrow crab or coral banded shrimp as well but I have a blood shrimp in the tank and I don't want it eaten. From what I've seen I don't have a lot of worms but I'm sure that's just not true. I pulled one from the tank last night but I saw at least 5 others an I know there are a lot more that I just can't see. Anyone have any luck with an arrow crab?

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Leopard wrasses will eat bristle worms IME. What type of corals are you keeping? There are other options as well.


IME bristleworms and peanut worms are desirable in your system. They are good cleaners.


Yeah I've read that they are a good part of the CUC so I'm torn as to add a wrasse or not. I have SPS, LPS, Softies, Chalice, etc. My corals all look fine which I've heard that those are the times you want to rid the tank of them and not just from seeing them.

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Bristle and peanut worms will not hurt your corals, your fish, or your inverts. I would just let them be. When I moved a few months ago I put all my bin in rocks to move it. When I unloaded there was 9 or 10 bristles in the bottom of the bin, I scooped them up with a net, and put them IN the tank. They are goo.


IME 6 lines are not good at bristle worm removal.


If you really hate them, given what you have in corals I think a leopard wrasse would be good if your tank has been setup for some time and you have a lot of pods.Otherwise an arrow could make an interesting addition.



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6 lines are good hunters, they work better for small parasites, they will clean other fish if the other fish will let them, they do attack bristle worms, but only the really small ones that hang out in the LR. Peanut worms are harmless and beneficial to your system. Bristle worms turn your substrate and are not that critical if their population is kept under control. The only thing i think bristle worms will go after are clams if they are in the sand bed. Bristle worms shouldn't be a big problem unless you have a heavy bio-load and feed excessively, then their food source is plentiful and they will overpopulate. cut back feedings and clean the tank occasionally and you will start to see a die off.

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I didn't like the look of the Melenarus wrasse so I did some reading and asking my LFS. I came up with a 9 line wrasse, it's not as aggressive as the 6 line and gets the job done. Plus I like the colors of it, it looks more like some of the fairy wrasse's. IMO

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i have 2 6 line wrasses with several small fish, they haven't had any problems at all. the only ones they don't like are similar colors of other wrasses. mine actually tries to clean the other fish of parasites, but for the most part they keep to themselves except during feeding time, then its every fish for themselves.

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cut back feedings and clean the tank occasionally and you will start to see a die off.


So how often should I be feeding my tank? I have been feeding twice daily 2 cubes of Mysis Shrimp and 1 cube Spirulina Mysis Shrimp each time. I don't seem to have anything left in the tank within a few mins. If i have time this weekend I'm going to attempt to make my own food. Buying food in cubes is getting expensive.

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