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Wrasse questions?


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So how often should I be feeding my tank? I have been feeding twice daily 2 cubes of Mysis Shrimp and 1 cube Spirulina Mysis Shrimp each time. I don't seem to have anything left in the tank within a few mins. If i have time this weekend I'm going to attempt to make my own food. Buying food in cubes is getting expensive.


I feed 4 tanks all combined, not each, 2 cubes of gumbo / mysis / brine depending on what i feel like giving them and usually some torn up Nori, everything soaks in garlic, once every other day. i will sometimes throw in a snack on off days of just the spirulina flakes for the bigger fish but its not much. then on off days usually twice a week i'll do cyclopEeze / oyster eggs and arcti pods mostly just for the corals and mandarin.


so in essence, it looks like your feeding the equivalent of about 5 or 6 times more than i do?

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So how often should I be feeding my tank? I have been feeding twice daily 2 cubes of Mysis Shrimp and 1 cube Spirulina Mysis Shrimp each time. I don't seem to have anything left in the tank within a few mins. If i have time this weekend I'm going to attempt to make my own food. Buying food in cubes is getting expensive.


Sounds about right to me, you have a lot of big fish in that tank. It just means your signing yourself up for weekly water changes. You should be giving that blue some veggies too. Either nori or spirulina flakes or some other green stuff.

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