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So....apparently we are all criminals....you might wanna read this thread...


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I love those guys-they make me feel warm all over-We need to add them to our list so I dont have to visit reef sanctuary and steal them.


Certain people recognize my "buddies"- Hey, you will always safe at my place-(enforcer)


dont forget another favorite-nekid.gif







I agree! They make me happy!:D I think we should start a new thread about this very important issue!;) I love the blazing guns!(laugh)



And' date=' I'm sorry, but I gotta agree with Brad, the #$%)(*&!@#$&^()*&%#@5_!@#*$&%_(@%^_(@#$!_$(^&@#*(_$ government that we all believe serves the people the way the Constitution says it should is a @#$()%*^&@#(_$^@_^_(*%& joke and we will all be regretting the fact that we didn't realize this sooner very very soon.[/quote']



Mick, I'm agreeing with Jack on this one... definitely decaf or some other more mellowing substance...;)



I don't believe in the government' date=' never voted, never will till everyone comes together as a whole. Then and only then will I vote. They are idiots.[/quote']


LOL! They are idiots! However, you are going to be waiting a long time! We can't even get everyone in this forum to come together!(laugh)



One day you read an article on the NYT where they say how important our hobby could be in conserving and saving the reef barrier, and the other day you are a Craigslist criminal :)

I didn't do researches but I just hope that laws are written with some good sense. So I really think that restrictions are in use in this manner mostly for the food industry.

If you apply a similar principle all animals and plants growing and breading should be banned and selling your puppy or your japanese maple should be illegal.

I think, as a crime, it is worst to steal emoticons from other websites... yes Brad, you are the one (laugh)(laugh)


I agree Alex! Stealing emoticons! Way more serious offense!(enforcer)

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If they come get me for my reef livestock, they better write me up for my garden too. Oh yah and my cherry tree - i harvest off it too. Plus my beer making. I probably have an illegal piece of lumber in my garage too.


I would fight this to the supreme court. This is asinine.

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If they come get me for my reef livestock, they better write me up for my garden too. Oh yah and my cherry tree - i harvest off it too. Plus my beer making. I probably have an illegal piece of lumber in my garage too.


I would fight this to the supreme court. This is asinine.






Amd don't forget, you gotta hire Johnny Cochran...........Oh, wait, aint he dead? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oooohhhhh I got it.......




You gotta hire.............Gloria Allred (scary):eek:(threaten)(whistle)

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I can understand why they have these laws in FL...but to this point no one has showed a shred of evidence that these laws exist in OR. The laws in FL are meant to protect the coastal waters where these species are collected. You don't see many people collecting warmwater livestock anywhere near the coast of Oregon. We have salmon and steelhead...Does anyone need salmon/steelhead licenses in FL?l ol


If someone does have something, now is the time to post it...saying things like "i spoke with someone and they told me the law exists..." and "THEY are looking on Craigslist..." doesnt quite give us anything to work with. If you spoke with them, ask them where you can view the OR statute that shows the law...and IF they are looking on Craigslist, why has no one been busted? smoke and mirrors.

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Alright you guys, I have not recieved a single frag from anyone yet....


My tank is looking pretty empty and if you don't go along with this I will report you!!! LOL


Seriously nobody has donated any frags to you?DOH! That's no way to treat a noob!


I have some zoa frags I can give you (nothing too fancy)and report away!:D

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I didn't want to post who gave me frags in case they get reported....lol


They were the nice ones...


But since my first posting in this thread I'm quite dissapointed that I haven't recieved any compensation to keep me quiet....lol


Thanks for the offer as well but I'm good for now. I want to get my tank situated a little more before I add anything else.

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I dont charge people for fish, i charge for admission :p


no this law does not apply to OR, because there is little chance that any of the tropical critters released would be able to survive.


the extent of fish and wildlife is to come to the shops once in a while and look for any endangered or prohibited critters.


relax all. this is not a problem. FL also has that law because they want to make money on sales tax, yet another non-issue here.

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Re: So....apparently we are all criminals....you might wanna read this thread...


So finally got the info I was searching for, figured it was good news so I would share...apparently the laws, or similar laws at least have been either proposed or are being incorperated now, but have yet to be defined nor enforced and it is their goal to specify as protection of our local species is their main concern. The way it looks right now we may not have the same laws as Florida as a few of the proposed laws have been rejected as none relevant to our surroundings. However they are going to be making these things a bit more of a priority so you might wanna reconsider if you were planning on taking and posting local coastal rock or species...


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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Re: So....apparently we are all criminals....you might wanna read this thread...


So I broke the law please cuff me and.. what ever you do to bad girls who break the law.. I'm ready



We here have a "special" program for bad girls that like cuffs...wanna enroll or should we start working on a court order? ;)

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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