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Looks good to me! Could be splitting or just moving, one of mine looked like that and I thought it was splitting, but then it was just stretching itself out across the rock to move to another location, either way it looks great, nice color!



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Check all of your parameters really close. If a BTA splits like that right after you get it there is a very high probability that it is really stressed out. (Splitting is usually a survival mechanism resulting from something stressful)

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Thanks Rick, you read my mind LOL I tested earlier when it first started and everything looked ok according to my test kits, I'm takin my water in tomorrow to Nick to get a full test run on it to see what they really look like LOL.

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Congrats, dad. An anemone that small usually does not split unless it is stressed out (like Rick said). If it is new to your tank, it could be from the shock of changing lights, water salinity, or other water parameters. Watch both of them carefully if one of them deflates and stays that way for several days you may want to give it the "sniff test" and if it smells like old tidepool, nasty, or rotten then it could be dying or dead. Let's hope not. :)



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This is what I replied to your PM, I am posting it here in case it will benefit someone else in the future.


They may be trying to cluster together for protection. It looked like the one you had was small (compared to the 9 inch diameter one that I have in my tank and 12+ inch diameter ones that I have seen in the fish stores). So splitting probably was a sign of stress from moving from one tank to another. Just let them heal and don't mess with them for a few weeks. Once they heal and start puffing up more they will probably both wander until they find a good spot. This is a dangerous time because they can get sucked into powerheads and that can be bad.


If you can catch one of them on the move, they are easy to remove and you can put it where you want it to go. The best spot would be a hole in the rock that is slightly larger around than the base, and slightly deeper than the height. That way it can suck down into the hole if it feels threatened. This is a double edged sword because if it likes the hole and it sticks in there, you will not be able to get it out easily, but it will stay there and not disturb your other corals.


Once they heal you will be able to feed them. Get some frozen silversides (fish smaller than your finger) from the fish store. Patrick at Fanta-Seas usually has them in, and most other LFSs have them too. It looks like the nems that you have will end up with a "foot" smaller than a quarter. Break up the silverside so that it is not too big for the nem to ingest. You will need to learn from experience, but a good rule of thumb to start with is about 1/2 the diameter of the oral disk. Feed as often as once a day, or as little as once a week. The more you feed the faster they will grow, but they are sloppy eaters and a lot of the nutrients in the fish end up also feeding the algae in your tank. So the more you feed the more water changes you will need to do, and the larger CUC you will need to get.


If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. PM me or make a thread on the forum.


Good luck!


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You can also try a small flower pot. I've had decent luck getting anemones to stay inside the pot making it easy to move them and they also will come loose from them relatively easily compared to a rock when it's time to move them to a new home.

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