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Sea hare


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We had a serious hair algae problem in the new FOWLR tank. I mean serious! It looked like Oscar the Grouch had drowned in our tank!:D So we got this sea hare and it cleaned it all up in no time flat! Amazing!(clap) My question now is I hear these guys can do poorly and starve now that most of the hair algae is gone. Is this true? Should I pass him along to someone else with a hair algae problem? He's so ugly but cool so I would like to keep him but I don't want him to starve to death either.

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sea hare


I had heard the same thing and that they would die and lay eggs. I have had a sea hare in the tank for 8 months now and I never had a hair algae problem. Just 2 rocks that I put in had some on it. Other than that he just goes around the tank eating any algae.

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My sea hair lived for a year, the hair algae would come back and he would find it. Eventually he found his fate with the intake to the protein skimmer :-( So sad i almost cried, i loved that little guy. I never saw him eat anything but hair algae though, so if its all gone he most likely will starve (eventually...).

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How long did it take to clean the tank. My 20g frag tank needs a cleaning if he is hungry. I would think he would need a new place after a couple weeks though.


He cleaned an 150 gallon tank in less than a week. His belly is nice and full! 20g would take less than a day with this guy. I will see how it goes with the hair algae and if it's gone then I will definitely "Hare the love"

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I have an unidentified one that is fully jet black and he also loves algae he has been in the tank a couple years as far as I know the guy I bought thr tank from didnt know where he came from he just appeared and has been there a long time if anybody knows what he is and where to get another please let me know here are a few pics



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I have an unidentified one that is fully jet black and he also loves algae he has been in the tank a couple years as far as I know the guy I bought thr tank from didnt know where he came from he just appeared and has been there a long time if anybody knows what he is and where to get another please let me know here are a few pics


That looks like either a chiton or a limpit to me. Under the "skin" (mantle) is there a hard shell? If you poke it does it seem hard or soft? If it is hard, is there only one shell with a hole in the top like a volcano, or is it more like several (usually 8) different, overlaping plates. If it is only one shell, then it is a limpit, if it has 8 overlaping plates then it is a chiton. There may be some other options, but it is not a sea hare, and it is not a nudibranch,



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This guy/gal is ALL JET BLACK and I think it is a nudi I really want another 1-2 he is great. My mother has brought me totally coverd (in hair) coral and this guy has them back to former glory the very next morning. Even cleans aptasia (as if I care) without spreading them. Thought he was gonna eat it the first time I saw it but no just plowed him over like he does to coral (without disturbance) within 2-3 minutes clean as a whistle. I have scoured the net looking for an ID or a seller for about 3 months and no luck.

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That looks like either a chiton or a limpit to me. Under the "skin" (mantle) is there a hard shell? If you poke it does it seem hard or soft? If it is hard, is there only one shell with a hole in the top like a volcano, or is it more like several (usually 8) different, overlaping plates. If it is only one shell, then it is a limpit, if it has 8 overlaping plates then it is a chiton. There may be some other options, but it is not a sea hare, and it is not a nudibranch


It has soft skin that covers a hard body and when its at rest its back opens up and its shows the hard bone color underneth (lungs?) also its frilly about the edges and has somewhat frilly anttenae and moves about like a slug or snail

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It has soft skin that covers a hard body and when its at rest its back opens up and its shows the hard bone color underneth (lungs?) also its frilly about the edges and has somewhat frilly anttenae and moves about like a slug or snail


I am leaning towards the chiton option. If it has a shell then it is not a nudibranch (naked lung in latin). The black flesh is called a mantle and it helps protect and creates the shells (not lungs) on the back.


They are closely related to slugs and snails so they look like them. :)



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There are some pretty big ones out here in Hawaii. I've seen them in the tide pools at night up to 10-12" long. The ones here ink like an octopus, but it is blood red.


They are very good at tank clean up. I've yet to see one small enough to collect and sell. Most are way too big for anyone to want.



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I was almost convinced in the chiton theroy but could'nt find any besides the giant pacific chiton that had its mantel covering is shell and was black. On the otherside when I look up Dendrodoris nigra most of the other pics dont look right but the one in the above link looks identical.

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