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Another question or two for the powers that be


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First question or suggestion, I think it would be helpful or benefitial for members to be allowed to view the feedback or Rep point comments both positive and negative...there is no point to having these comments if others can't view them only the person being given or deducted can view these comments as of right now.


Maybe make it a privilage for members only or something...just a thought.


Second question, can we get a forum for "Pests" in the same section as the SPS, LPS, Softies and so on are. I think that it would help to centralize the threads related to pests in the same fashion as the above specialized discussions. Would also centralize valuable information regarding pests when people are trying to troubleshoot an issue or ID both good and bad "Pests"


thanks for your time and consideration

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Re: Another question or two for the powers that be


well I actually have an answer for that...when I first got into reefing I found these things in my sump that reminded me of flea's...so I siphoned them all out and flushed them, but I did manage to keep one to take to the LFS....well come to find out those "flea's" were copopods....I didnt know they were good, but had I had somewhere to ID them that wouldnt have happened

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Ahhh! so cute! You should have posted that in the show me your pets thread!


I meant to but kinda forgot about it. I'll go do it now I think...


what do you guys think of the 2 suggestions? good or bad?


I could care less about the rep points thing personally. I say we just get rid of them...lol


The idea of a pests forum would be good. Call it "Friend or foe?":D

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Re: Another question or two for the powers that be


Ahhh! so cute! You should have posted that in the show me your pets thread!




I meant to but kinda forgot about it. I'll go do it now I think...




what do you guys think of the 2 suggestions? good or bad?




I could care less about the rep points thing personally. I say we just get rid of them...lol




The idea of a pests forum would be good. Call it "Friend or foe?":D

hmm...I have had potential interactions with people with a bad rep and I really wish I knew why sometimes...I mean yeah a lot of it is due to stuff that said individuals may have said, or due to attitudes or whatever, but not always. I think by making the comments available for the public to see would in a sense make you more accountable for your actions

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+2.. Accountability is everything. Why have red if nobody knows why? It just becomes a color that has been "pinned" on them by someone else. Sure, its going to make more work for the mod's when people challenge the point,but that is part of the job and type is so 2 demensional anyway. I agree to open it fully or get rid of it. Mabey start a forum of the offense's and let comments of their peers decide. It would take a load off the mods when this is opened up?

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Re: Another question or two for the powers that be


and it goes both ways...if you get good rep comments people can see that too. for instance I see a lot of general statements such as "very helpful", "very generous", "knows his zoa's" and so on, might be helpful to be able to see what others think about them when you are considering their advice. I mean what's the point of having rep points and comments if no body can see why they have the rep they do?

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Here's the thing, if all you see is red then that doesn't say anything...it could be for making people mad....or....it could be because they sold someone zoa's with zoapox or some other contagious problem and it wiped out someone's collection.....wouldn't you want to know about that before trading or buying from them?


I do

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Here is an example of what I mean...why allow comments if no one can see them? As you can see most of mine is a matter of opinion or due to comments I have said...that is my most recent one's, seems most the good was in the previous one's but you get the idea


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I don't see how either solves a real problem. A pests forum would see one or two postings a month, why not just have them in general?


As far as rep goes, for something that most people don't seem to care much about it sure does get a lot of hand-wringing. Hell, there's only like 15 regular posters on the boards -- what's so hard about keeping track of who knows stuff and who just spouts crap?

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Re: Another question or two for the powers that be


if we cant see the comments then there is no point to having them....just do away with rep and that would make more sense then allowing comments that arent viewable by others....really no point to comments if we cant see em. I mean what is the purpose of only allowing the person being commented on to view them? And on top of that they are anonymous so again...whats the point?

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What's the point? I guess the designer's original intention for the system is to allow forum members to offer anonymous comments to other posters as a way to establish and maintain community standards of behavior -- doesn't seem like a big mystery to me.


Keeping comments hidden and anonymous removes stigma and hurt feelings in both directions. People receiving negative feedback can read and decide whether they want to change their behavior without embarrassment and those offering criticism can do so without worry of drama and retribution.


I think it's clear the system isn't working very well. I don't think it's that big a deal either way though -- certainly, IMO, not worth the time and trouble to fix or remove.

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What fix are you referring too? If it's the comments becomming public then I am more than satisfied...


I would say either make comments public or do away with comments all together...if you still wanna get "points" then so be it, but there is no point to comments if nobody can see em. Me personally, I only look when I notice a change in my rep...but on the same token I really dont care, when I get neg rep I confront it....publicly...


I just dont see the point of comments if no one can see them...colored squares dont make people accountable....but public comments do.

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Re: Another question or two for the powers that be


What's the point? I guess the designer's original intention for the system is to allow forum members to offer anonymous comments to other posters as a way to establish and maintain community standards of behavior -- doesn't seem like a big mystery to me.




Keeping comments hidden and anonymous removes stigma and hurt feelings in both directions. People receiving negative feedback can read and decide whether they want to change their behavior without embarrassment and those offering criticism can do so without worry of drama and retribution.




I think it's clear the system isn't working very well. I don't think it's that big a deal either way though -- certainly, IMO, not worth the time and trouble to fix or remove.

Andy, first off just note that I respect you, with that being said, I have a response to your comment regarding the "Pests" forum...couldnt the same be said about the SPS and LPS? I mean yes they far more than 2 a month, but the forum (sps, lps, etc) only matters when opening the thread, for me at least....I search by "view new posts" and "todays posts"....thats it. OCCASSIONALY, I will search a specific forum, but usually only when trying to figure out where to post a certain thread....all of this was said taking my personal interaction with PNWMAS I am sure others arent like me....but I could be wrong

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I hear what you're saying, and if people actually spent time searching old posts for answers I think I'd agree... but IME, most people treat the board as more of a semi realtime chat with little interest in searching for past questions/answers.


On the other hand, if Jay doesn't mind doing the admin work I can't see any problem with a Pests forum either. I just don't see it as necessary.

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I knd of agree with Eric here. For those that are regular here we usually view todays posts to see everything. Take a few weeks off and then come back though and that no longer works so if your looking for something specific you go to the individual forum. Rather than being a bugs or pests forum though I think making it a hitchhiker forum would work better. On the other hand having so many different forums tends to spread it out too much. For instance Gallery, Tank Threads, and Show Off/TOTM are all pretty much the same thing and could be covered in one forum. Call it Gallery/Show Off and then add a sub forum under it for the POTM posts to keep them separate.


Regarding rep points I don't see that they really mean much the way they are now. Posting to the member/vendor feedback forum is a more effective way of letting people know what you think about others. (Good and bad) I suggest eliminating one of them (Either the rep points or the feedback forum). Since the feedback forum seems to work well I would get rid of the rep points.

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