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Green BTA deflating all the time?


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So I've research out BTAs and I see that they do deflate quite frequently but I got a long tenticle anenome more recently and it only deflates once a day. My green BTA seems to deflate on and off all day. It takes krill just fine but it seems to deflate all the time. I have read that it could just be adjusting to the tank but I've had it in the tank for around a month now and it hasn't changed it's personality yet. Should I be concerned about it at all? I was going to take pics of it but the position it's in currently you wouldn't see much of it in the pic, and I don't have an underwater camera. I'm sure my wife wouldn't be crazy about me droping her new digital camera in the tank either...


Any help or suggestions would be great. Even if it means that I'm just being to excited over nothing and I just need to let it do it's thing.

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So I've research out BTAs and I see that they do deflate quite frequently but I got a long tenticle anenome more recently and it only deflates once a day. My green BTA seems to deflate on and off all day. It takes krill just fine but it seems to deflate all the time. I have read that it could just be adjusting to the tank but I've had it in the tank for around a month now and it hasn't changed it's personality yet. Should I be concerned about it at all? I was going to take pics of it but the position it's in currently you wouldn't see much of it in the pic, and I don't have an underwater camera. I'm sure my wife wouldn't be crazy about me droping her new digital camera in the tank either...


Any help or suggestions would be great. Even if it means that I'm just being to excited over nothing and I just need to let it do it's thing.


A little more info will be needed for folks to chime in with anything "helpful"


Info like , how long the tanks been set up, what are all the water params, what type of lights you run.


On the surface-no its not "normal" for them to deflate "all the time" nor part of the time, more like some of the time.-I know deifine "time" it is so realative


Need more info-sorry

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Our RBTA did that because we changed the flow in the tank and started getting a lot of flow to it until it moved.


The other thought is it doesn't like you're pretty blue maxima clam and if you give me the clam it will open up right away.;)


You about just got neg rep points, I was a mouse click away-(whistle)


I better go now.


Water params, lighting, more info-Later all

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75 gallon TruVu


78 degrees

good water flow

T5 dual actinic and 12k daylight

tank was setup for a year when I got it and have now had it for around 1 1/2 months. lots of good growth in the tank for my live coral.

The BTA is a very small one as well (not sure if that matters or not).


Should I try to move the rock to the other side of the tank where there is more flow?

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Tank sounds well enough-I'm not the nem guy, just have owned a few over the years-traded them away or they died. The ones that died were when the tank was new-your sounds old and seeded-as long as no cycled happened when it was moved-sounds like it was a used purchase-

I assume no nitrates, nitrites, Phosphate............thats what I was looking for but I would geuss not if the tank is that old-but its a guess


Nems can be strange-I have ideas but nothing "proven" I have heard you can over feed them, nad the fact that they dont really need to be fed to survive, maybe...... nah I am not the one to give advise.


You answered my questions and the answers were good-


Good luck-if you dont get the naswers you need or answers period- reef2reef is a great site-IMO

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1+ on the lighting, they need a fair amount of light. Don't move it, if it doesn't like its spot it will move on its own. Do you feed it?


Mine sometimes deflates the day after I feed it for a while, then comes out the next day looking real happy.


Good luck!

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I haven't fed mine in a week or so now but it's stayed deflated all night tonight so I wasn't sure if it would accept anything tonight as it is. I will try and offer it something in the morning again and see if that helps.


That's crazy about the lights. I have been told by some of the local shops that this lighting shouldn't be a problem with these guys. Since I can't afford to get new lighting should I look into trading it back in? I want to do what's right for the BTA is all. The other anenome that I have is doing great but it's quite a bit larger.


I appriciate everyone's suggestions so far as of course I'm still learning every day. This is so much different from my fresh water setups..


Thanks again!

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Use distilled water instead of tap water.


What are the rest of the parameters? Alk, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and PH.


Too bad the clown doesn't have anything to do with it. The best luck I've had is when a clown takes care of them. I currently have a cinnamon clown that feeds my RBTA so I don't need to do any direct feeding. It usually does not close up. It shrinks some at night but once the lights are on (250w MH) it normally comes out. (Exception, it stayed closed up for a couple of days after my Dwarf Lion disappeared leading me to believe it inadvertantly swam into it)

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I checked my nitrates and everything last friday and did a 30 gallon water change. It wasn't anything out of the normal but I had not done a larger water change since I've had the tank. I've gone to both Saltwater Fantaseas and Seahorse NW and not sure which water to get for the tank. any suggestions would be great on that one as well. I might need to do another post for that one though.

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I checked my nitrates and everything last friday and did a 30 gallon water change.


What were your readings?


SWF for saltwater! I am biased though LOL!


Nothing against seahorse Woody is a great guy, I just don't like Crystal Seas Marinemix.

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pH is 8.0

Nitrates and Nitrites almost nothing.

Salinity is at 1.024

Temp 78.1


all this morning


I'd rather just buy the water and mix it myself for a day so I don't have to pay the higher prices of the mixed. But each shop says they have the better water and I have no clue since I'm new to this. I guess either one is better than tap....

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I offered it some food this morning and it dropped it so now my hermit crabs are fighting over it. I see that most people are feeding silver sides. I've been feeding half pieces of krill. Maybe I should switch foods?


Try raw prawns from just about any grocery store. As long as they're fresh, and not pre packaged.


Usually around 5.99 per lb.


You may have to hold the food in the anemone until the nem trys to eat. Sometimes this can take 5-30 minutes.

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What are you using to test nitrate? Nitrites should be 0.


As far as freshwater goes, Either source should be fine as they both use DI.


Sorry, they are at 0 I should have made that clear not aprox..


Thanks for letting me know about the water, and I will try the prawns later today!

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