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Any glass blowers out there want to make some money-


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Asking that question in this state is like asking if fish swim-(laugh) (about there being any glass blowers)


Anyway, when I used to visit another forum that suffers from "Elitism" there was a member there that made these and sold them for I think 15.00 and 5.00shipping.




Anyway, it is one of the best "spot feeders" I have ever came across and plagiarism is a form of flattery right-there is no patent pending or copyright infringements-It is an easy way to make a few bucks on the side and help out those in need.


I know Kent makes something similar- I just have been seeing more and more threads were people are using the turkey baster, which is great but so is having a custom dropper that you don't have to get your arms in the tank.


A simple thank you for generating all the money you will make from me putting this idea on the table is all I need-and maybe a nice LE Frag-(naughty)


Someone run with this

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Had me worried for a second Brad thought u were getting into a new hobby. I would buy one.


Nope just trying to help someone (actually alot) out. I spoke to the guy that makes these, he said the hardest thing to find was the dropper end.


For sure dont need another hobby, I have not even been to the rifle range in almost a year-but that has alot to due with the current administration too-


Hows everyone liking that "change"? -:eek:


wait for it...(puke)



I know there are alot of folks that could benefit from this but then again-just thinking of my fellow reefers with the arms in the tank-


Oh well, there is the trough of water now if that dang horse would just drink


I got my 2-LOL:D

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That's very cool. I would swap my home made spot feeder/crap picker upper for one of those.


I made my own by combining a couple of things that you should already have around the house.


The straw from a sport bottle that you probably have a few of somewhere



and just attach it to the tip of the turkey baster to extend it



It's a perfect fit really...

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I'm on it. A buddy of mine blows glass. Can't swing a dead cat in Eugene w/o hitting someone who blows glass.


LOL, I figured someone from Hemp Central (Eugene) had a hook up-(laugh)

If not we could have gone to Ashland, but I dont think we needed to go past the Sellwood/Hawthorne area of Portland.


They are handy although I do like Vanz DIY sport bottle turkey baster-;)

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P.E.T.A. People Eating Tasty Animals


THat was the funniest website until it got pulled. PETA has no sense of humor. You gotta laugh at yourself sometimes and in your case newfisher all the time (j/k);)


Seriously hope you get this going.. In the mean time perhaps I will try the sports bottle straw thing.

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lquidglass is a glass blower i have not seen him in awhile




I have his number somewhere and will try and call him and let him know. This might be a little to easy for him as some of the stuff he makes is well lets just say it is very high end stuff(laugh) And no not the high end stuff they use in Eugene:p

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glass blowers


I have his number somewhere and will try and call him and let him know. This might be a little to easy for him as some of the stuff he makes is well lets just say it is very high end stuff(laugh) And no not the high end stuff they use in Eugene:p


Yeah, my guy asked where I wanted the carb hole on the baster?

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I have sourced the baster bulbs and by tuesday should have a working sample. I couldnt find the 1/2 style baster bulb. Going with 1/2 tube and flairing the end to accomodate a 1" baster bulb. I ordered 10 bulbs and if I can get them to work well on my 32" Seahorse tank I will let ya know.

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I have sourced the baster bulbs and by tuesday should have a working sample. I couldnt find the 1/2 style baster bulb. Going with 1/2 tube and flairing the end to accomodate a 1" baster bulb. I ordered 10 bulbs and if I can get them to work well on my 32" Seahorse tank I will let ya know.


Nice! Let me know how this works out.

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I have sourced the baster bulbs and by tuesday should have a working sample. I couldnt find the 1/2 style baster bulb. Going with 1/2 tube and flairing the end to accomodate a 1" baster bulb. I ordered 10 bulbs and if I can get them to work well on my 32" Seahorse tank I will let ya know.


Very cool-you'll have to post up some pics

I think the bulbs came from like walgreens or something similar. I'll say the one with the bend in the end is best-I dont use the straight one anymore, I just have it as a backup in case I break the one

Its aboubt a 30 degree bend

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I have sourced the baster bulbs and by tuesday should have a working sample. I couldnt find the 1/2 style baster bulb. Going with 1/2 tube and flairing the end to accomodate a 1" baster bulb. I ordered 10 bulbs and if I can get them to work well on my 32" Seahorse tank I will let ya know.


Count me in on one of the ten you are having done. These look great. (rock2)



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