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Guaging interest in Red Hornet


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So as many of you know there is a members only zoa group buy/grow out and I am one of those who joined....as many of you also know I have been laid off...so I am considering selling my stake in the group buy as I dont even know if I will have a tank when they are ready....


So I am thinking of starting with the red hornet and my thought is to sell it for $80 the current selling price is around $180 so that would be $100 off. You would have to wait till my turn came up to get the polyp....but it would be yours none the less....most likely they will all get posted at some point. Anyway I am just seeing if anyone would be interested




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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


So your selling a frag that has not even been grown yet?


What happens if the colony that is growing out doesn't make it?

good question....but if they do make it then the asking price would be whatever the current price is....which I am sure will be over what I would be asking


again I am only guaging interest....right now anyway


most likely what will happen is I will just sell my spot and buyer would just take my place in line for all the polyps in the group buy.


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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


trust me I know this is a bit unconventional...and I am not sure if I would even do it....other than getting an $180 polyp for $80....but that is why I threw some feelers out there. Would be nice to have them when I sold my tank as they would bring in at least another $300 to $500 more in the end if not more.




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imo i dont think this is a good idea. If you want out of the group buy sell your share for the price of the buy in to someone. This way they will get all the zoas not just one. Plus i see this as profiting for an item that doesn't exist yet. Buyer Beware



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I think it is a good idea: a stock market for corals!


Kidding, I'm completely out of this group buy, Jamie joined it, so I don't know what there is behind it, other than meeting Roy at Ikea :-)

I just think that it is risky to sell something that you don't have already. Especially if it is a potentially perishable item. You could end up owing lots of money, way more than your investment.


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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


no more risky than the original buy in....if i sold my share it would br for $300 as that is closer to actual value....they are buying the zoas....not the buy in. no worries i already have the rest spoken for....its just the red that is left....




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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


either way thanks for the input....i am not going to be selling the rh right now as it would be a risky transaction.....and waiting ensures i get full market value when i get my polyp....(clap)


thank you all for your input




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no more risky than the original buy in....if i sold my share it would br for $300 as that is closer to actual value....they are buying the zoas....not the buy in. no worries i already have the rest spoken for....its just the red that is left....




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You have already gotten deposits for the other zoas in the buy? This is really risky since not all the types may survive. Anything can happen between now and Christmas (which is probably the earliest we'll be getting some of these)... a tank could crash, zoapox, etc.


Not to mention the values could go down a lot between now and when these are ready.. we've all seen how quickly a $50/polyp zoa can drop to $20 or less in real market value



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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


i guess the words "guaging interest" dont mean what i thought it did.


to me it means seeing if anyone would be interested....not "for sale" which is why words like"havent thought that far into it" and "i dunno" were said. the only reason it is in classifieds is because i didnt know where else to put it.


the other polyps are spoken for but no deposit has been taken....mostly because a few of them are being given to someone....then some are going in as part of my pre-arranged trade for 10 sopranos...which have also been spoken for already should i decide to dump them. Oddly, the Soprano's were spoken for within minutes of mentioning them....and the Red Hornet still hasn't.


Also, I have been trying to accomidate for price drop. Which is why when I spoke to my interested party the PH is only going for $20 and all the others are for $10 or less.


Again, let me be clear, this is NOT a sale thread. This is purely an attempt to "GUAGE" interest in these things as I don't know where I will be when they are ready. But what I am thinking now is I will set up a small tank just for these for when they are ready and will immediately put them up for sale at full market value. Why shoot for 10x when you can get much more?


No insult intended to anyone.


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Re: Guaging interest in Red Hornet


Just guaging interest but deposits will be accepted... Just move it to the selling forum and go for the cash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no deposits have been accepted....i was asked if i would want the money up front.....so deposit was what came to mind....


no matter....got something worked out so this thread can be closed




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IMHO I think if you are willing to pay $180 for a single polyp your just crazy and don't value your marriage.(wife)


I am in on the group buy because it was $30. even if all zoos die it's only $30.


Exactely-and if they live which odds a great they will-we can dump them for a steal like 75.00-100.00+ for a polyp-Here I come Flea Bay-:p



IMHO I think if you are willing to pay $180 for a single polyp your just crazy and don't value your marriage.(wife)



Or you make good money and buy what you want-not what you need-DOH!

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MBA skills


Don't bash him because its true that he was only asking a question. Though I'll bring some of my MBA skills to the table here.


Present value formula

Rt / (1+i)^t

t - the time of the cash flow

i - the discount rate (the rate of return that could be earned on an investment in the financial markets with similar risk.)

Rt - the net cash flow


So making some assumptions that the red hornet won't be ready for a year and that most people are getting a 6% return for their investment the red hornet alone is worth $25.6

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