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I really need help


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I really need help. This stuff, which I am pretty sure are diatoms, if it is not please let me know, is taking over my DT. I have tried everything from siphoning, manual removal, and water changes to chemical treatments and water changes, to wet skimming, no lights and no feeding for three days. I have run water test for everything including silicates and all levels are fine.


It is starting to grow all over my rock and is beginning to choke out my corals. Short of breaking everything down and replacing the sand bed, does anyone have any idea how to get rid of this. Please I could really use some help.










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There ya go. I (and just a crazy thought) was thinking of putting a cylinder down over the gravel (like a gravel cleaner syphon tube) and putting a drop or 2 of lugals in it. Let it settle over for a bit and see what happens. Just an experiment.

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Hmmm not much that would explain why its still present, but NO3 its a tad high and calcium is low.


Check out this blog post





I still think its dinos. A lot of people get rid of them by bumping up pH to the higher ranges. Thats gonna be tough for you with high alk, but if you are careful you should be able to do it.

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Before adding the refugium I used to run between 5-10 mg/l on my NO3. I haven't dosed today for calcium is probably why it is low. I'll take care of that right now.


I don't have a clue about what is going on. I read a post on RC about the High Capacity GFO causing an outbreak in another reefers tank. I quit running that yesterday to see if it would help.


I am now officially out of ideas. So if anyone has some please send them my way.

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If they are a jelly-like consistency, chance are they are dinoflagellates. Increased water flow and filtration couldn't hurt. I have heard that using kalkwasser to increase the pH slightly a few days will get rid of it. I have had to deal with it before. Best of luck.

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While you don't have hair algae, it definitely looks like dinos...you have got to find something to out compete the dinos for nutrients...I know they are testing virtually zero but the nutrients are tied up in the dinos...why not try vodka/mb7?


You are threatening to tear things down, so what could it hurt? I dose vodka/sugar/vinegar and mb7/zeobac daily...just now tested nitrates--zero...last remnants of hair algae dying...the majority of that treatment is cheap, fast, requires no equipment and it would be the next thing I would try...just an idea, I think a good idea...


What kind/size skimmer are you running?



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Shane, how long since you changed filters in your ro/di unit?


Bob I changed the pre filters and the DI ~3 months ago. The membrane has about 15 months on it.


Hows your water flow


I am running two K-3's, and 2 K-1's for circulation plus the return pump. I added the extra K-1's 2 months ago.


What kind/size skimmer are you running?


Doc I am running a ASM G-3 on a 90 gallon tank, 30 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium.


I started dosing Kalkwasser last week and so far no change. I have been thinkng about dosing Vodka but I am afraid to do to many things at one time.

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I would say worrying about doing too many things is good but this looks like it is quickly going to consume your tank...and yes, I was nervous, real nervous to start dosing vodka...but it works for nutrient competition.


Google coral snow for cyano/dino treatment...

Google zeobac for cyano/dino treatment...


I wouldn't recommend it on a pristine tank, just jumping right in...but still starting slowly may save you a teardown and lost frags and corals...


How about starting here...





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I am dosing vodka/mb7 daily as well. I had 0 detectable NO3/PO4, but i'll say its done wonders on my red turf algae. Funny thing is about 3 months after starting i have a couple spots of cyano now, first time in almost 2 years. I cut back the vodka dosage and syphoned it out its not coming back real strong now.


Do you have 0 TDS on your ro/di? Dosing 2 teaspoons per gal on kalk? If so give the vodka a try. I actually dosed it for almost a month before starting the mb7. Anyway, start slow and just gradually increase it. For example i started at .6ml per day and did that for about 10 days, then went to .8ml for about a week then kept upping until i saw some improvement. I got to 1.4ml stayed there then started seeing the cyano so i'm down to 1ml per day and its doing a good job.

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Do you have 0 TDS on your ro/di? Dosing 2 teaspoons per gal on kalk

I would say worrying about doing too many things is good but this looks like it is quickly going to consume your tank...and yes, I was nervous, real nervous to start dosing vodka...but it works for nutrient competition.


Yep 0 TDS on RO/DI and I dose 3 teaspoons of Kalk per gallon in my top off water.


Okay I will give vodka a try. I just happen to have some in the freezer for medicinal purposes you understand.(laugh)

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