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Birdsnest help

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Hey all


I recently bought a birdsnest and it's not doing so well. I've changed it to a couple of different locations in the tank, but at this point I think it's a gonner. So, knowing that I probably will buy another, what is the biggest factor, other than light, to keeping or gowing SPS. I have aT-5 light system and fairly good water movement.


Anyfeedback would be helpful.



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"Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet!"


That is so awesome, story of my life, ha ha.


Well to tell you the truth I have a bunch of sps and have never fed them anything. I can tell you for sure that there are many other people that do the same as me with great results.


What we need to know in order to help are a few things here. First off, how new is your system, sps require a fairly well established tank, sometimes up to a year. I have never known birdsnest to be too picky but it depends on what type really.


Also how many watts of light are you running? How close is it to the tank, how big is your tank? Tell us some more about your setup in general, also how is the birdsnest dying, there is a good possibility that you have something in there eating at it.


Birdsnest requires only moderate flow and med to high lighting.

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Maintaining CA/ALK.




How are your other parameters? SPS do not tolerate high nitrates well...


Is this your first SPS? How long has your tank been up and running? How many T5's are you running? What kind of bulbs? What kind of fixture? Can you give us a run down of your system?

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Did you check it for pests yet? Sometimes things just dont do well......sps corals are not the easiest of corals to keep when a new hobbiest. Do what these guys say and check your water parameters. Once you get it dialed in you can keep most anything in your tank.



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Man you people are great.(rock2)


The birds nest is kinda just browning out from the tips in. I've placed it in a couple of different places and not really found the sweet spot. I do need a little clarification. They like high light, but not a lot of water flow? I'll stop trying to feed it I guess as well. (clap)


I'll try and get a pic up tomorrow of the birdsnest. I updated in June some pictures so there are some good overall shots of how it looks on my profile.


Here is the skinny


Tank and livestock

Tank has been up and running since 07-08.

It's 72 gal and has a bunch of other life that is doing really well. Mushrooms, frog spawn, leathers, and one other SPS, millepora (scratch), seem to be doing fine. I should note that I had two acropora frags that have also since passed on that I bought at the same time as the birdsnest, a zoo frag that recently shriveled up about a month ago after nearly a year, and some yellow star polops that have slowly disappeared. There doesn't seem to be any fish nipping or giving them a hard time. Don't know if what has recently not done well helps, but thought I'd mention it. I've got one 3 koralia on one side and my pump bringing water back in on the opposite end.



All water levels test out great.

Cal about 480

Alk between 10 and 12

Run about .21 to .23 salt

I change water religiously every two weeks, so all other levels, nitrates, etc, look great.



Running 4 bulbs T-5 with 2 10k lights for about four hours a day. With the Actunics (sp) on from about 8 am to 8 pm. Sundial fixture 48".



It's being placed in a number of different areas from the bottom to as high up as I can get it about 12" from lights. However, higher also means more water movement for me. So, I'll try and change that tonight.


Lengthy yes... but hopefully I answered everyone’s questions.


Let me know and THANKS!!!

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Man you people are great.(rock2)



Running 4 bulbs T-5 with 2 10k lights for about four hours a day. With the Actunics (sp) on from about 8 am to 8 pm. Sundial fixture 48".



4 hrs of full light is not very much for corals with high light demands. Unless you have reasons for not giving it more light, I would bump that up to at least 8 hrs a day, though you may want to ramp that up over a few weeks to avoid giving your established livestock "sunburn". Your other corals will grow more quickly with more light, too.

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I agree fully with the last 2 posts, Leave it in one spot and let it acclimate itself. Also I would try running your actinics for 1 hour in the morning and then bring your day lights on for 8 full hours with the actinics and then just actinics for 1 more hour at night. Ramp this up by about 1-2 hours every 2-3 days. Your softies will do fine with larger increases in light but stony corals may bleach out from getting it too quick, although you aren't dealing with a lot of light to start with so the worries their are small.


Your zoo's melting away may have either been a Nudibranch introduced by a new coral that died off later from starvation, or could be from a period with high phosphate/nitrate levels. I would leave your birds nest in the middle somewhere, heavy flow can cause tissue loss like you are experiencing.

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