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Portland Coral Farmers Market?


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I'd be interested in attending an event like this.


Although I understand the financial considerations, I also believe that participation is voluntary and those that would like to be involved likely understand that the goal would be more to promote aquaculture and local trade as opposed to straight profit. Either way, I'd love to see something like this happen.




I'm not quite sure that you do understand the financial considerations. Events like those being proposed at the start of his thread are not financed by frag swapping or promoting aquaculture. Also.... "participation is voluntary " is the main problem....if you can't accurately reflect your attendance, how can you prepare an accurate cost analysis ?


The organizers will have immediate out of pocket expenses like rental of facilities (certainly in the hundreds and perhaps thousands of dollars)....advertising costs....publication costs.....and set up costs.....plus logistic issues like getting saltwater for everyone (not cheap).


These costs are sunk costs that hopefully are offset by rental of booths and ticket sales......livestock sales will only help slightly. This is the risk of organizing such an event. Revenue not meeting costs could be disasterous for first time organizers......and they won't realize that they're upside down until it's too late (because of low attendance)....ie....CFM.


To me...as soon as you start talking about renting convention room space.... trying to get vendors....sponsors.....etc., you're talking about something that might happen years from now built from the success of smaller events. Walk before running....or you'll never run again.

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Why don't we see if the Seattle group would want to get in on something. Maybe if we pool our resources we can have a nice show/. Maybe one year have it in Portland' date=' the next in Seattle.[/quote']



While I wish it were possible......I have my doubts. I have no problem driving to Seattle (I do it all the time).....but, Northwesterners in general have a problem with driving. How many posts did we read complaining about having to drive from Salem to the annual summer BBQ ? Unfortunately, the sentiment is similar in Seattle. In LA, a 3 to 4 hour commute is a daily occurance....but, up here....it's a problem. I wish it were not the case....but....it probably would be best to plan for local events.

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While I wish it were possible......I have my doubts. I have no problem driving to Seattle (I do it all the time).....but' date=' Northwesterners in general have a problem with driving. How many posts did we read complaining about having to drive from Salem to the annual summer BBQ ? Unfortunately, the sentiment is similar in Seattle. In LA, a 3 to 4 hour commute is a daily occurance....but, up here....it's a problem. I wish it were not the case....but....it probably would be best to plan for local events.[/quote']


I understand your reservation, but why the continued "rain on the parade" attitude? Perhaps it won't work. That's reasonable, and an understandable view. However, if people want to try to see if they can rally some support and interest, what is it to you?


I felt attacked and belittled by your previous response to my posting. Regardless of whether this was your intent or not, your phrasing of your point has come across this way. Please consider how you make people feel when stating your opinions. We all understand that you are against a formalized coral farmers market. We all understand that you believe it would not be a financially viable operation. Please allow open discussion of alternatives without squashing the conversation with pessimism.

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I know of what Steve has done in the past for the sake of this club. I appreciate it more then he will know. As I got into this hobby seriously about the time the club formed, (in its current format), and I have learned a lot from its members and its functions. Without the help of members that give of themselves this club would not be around and a lot of what I have been able to learn and be a part of would not have been possible without this generousity. (So thanks to all that have given)


So any and all information that is given out should be taken in and used.

Afterall, all of this is to make this hobby BIGGER and BETTER, right?!


So I hope it is used to make this event happen. And even more so, I hope it is all used to make this event, (and others like it), even better as the years go by and they continue to be a part of this hobby and area.

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I understand your reservation, but why the continued "rain on the parade" attitude? Perhaps it won't work. That's reasonable, and an understandable view. However, if people want to try to see if they can rally some support and interest, what is it to you?


I felt attacked and belittled by your previous response to my posting. Regardless of whether this was your intent or not, your phrasing of your point has come across this way. Please consider how you make people feel when stating your opinions. We all understand that you are against a formalized coral farmers market. We all understand that you believe it would not be a financially viable operation. Please allow open discussion of alternatives without squashing the conversation with pessimism.


Not to upset anyone, and I can't stress that enough. What good would a forum like this be if we were not getting opinions from all sides. Let everyone share their opinion, let's face it if something like this is actually going to happen then these are all points that will need to be discussed at some point anyway. This is how great ideas are born. Steveweast may sound negative, and maybe he is, but he also raises good points and questions.


Something like this is more then just a drop in the bucket and would be a lot of work by a lot of people. I for one think he has a very good point about just starting local and small. Maybe instead of a large (rent a building) type of deal, a smaller frag trade/swap/sale is i order just to get a feel for what it takes and who is interested and would also provide a great opportunity for some of the great minds here to get together and discuss in person the cons and pros of what they have seen so far and how they feel about it.


Lowman, also has a good idea, and might really be worth looking into.

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Jen....by no means was my post meant to make you feel bad....and if it did....I'm sorry. I only meant to provide some reality to the the discussion. If this thread's purpose is to have fun dreaming about "what if" then great...go ahead. I assumed that this thread was truly exploring the real possibilities of setting something in motion.....which I'm all for. The problem is....all these things have been done and explored before in this club and in its predesessor......and those wishing to explore those options again might benefit from the experiences of others who went through it during those times. Why repeat the mistakes of the past when you can learn from them ?


Jen, when you say..... "However, if people want to try to see if they can rally some support and interest, what is it to you? " ..... the reason is that I care about the people in this club.....and someone is going to have to put their time, sweat, and money into this venture to make it happen. Many have failed and have gotten hurt......I'm only trying to put forth some thoughts and experiences that might prevent that from happening again by supplying some information that could lead to a successful, viable event


As for Bob's idea....it's a great idea that has been tried before. Bob and I both know this.... as we have been involved with this club for a long time. It may be time to try again....of course it doesn't hurt to try again.....and I hope it does work......a combined Portland/Seattle metro area would be formidable. It's just that there is no data to support that right now....and lots of data to the contrary (how many from this area went to the TriCities event ?.....and how many from Seattle came down to CFM ?....and how many from Salem and South wouldn't drive to Portland for the annual BBQ ?)).


I've think that I've brought forth the ideas that wanted to....I'll leave this thread now.

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I just want to quickly summerize my suggestion.....


Try to use Reefapalooza as a model....not CFM.





RAP was born from a meager backyard frag swap annual event that was geared as a fun, non profit event that had minimal, if any, expenses. If it tried to jump a few steps on the ladder, it would not be what it is today. Keep the short term goals acheivable......while still keeping in mind the ultimate goal. Trying to immediately be something more will just end in disaster. Good luck with your project.


I agree 100%


I would DEFINITELY attend if it were set up like RAP!


Those nutty CALIFORNIANS got something right!(laugh)

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