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Chemi Clean Question


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I have a reoccurring bout of red cyno(nothing large mostly a couple patches) I've added more clean up crew & that helped but it's coming back.I bought some Chemi-Clean & the directions say "add additional aeration through the use of an air pump & air stone"I do not have either of these.Do I REALLY need these? It's a 29 gal bio cube. Mike

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Do you have any powerheads in your tank?

Maybe you could direct the output of one to the surface, to add extra aeration?


Thats what I have done in the past. I also adjust my skimmer level down and remove the cup and ran it occationally to oxygenate the water periodically throughout the day while treatment with chemi-clean..



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The Chemi-clean can drop pH and the additional aeration helps mute that...I have come full circle and now use Microbacter 7 from Brightwell to treat cyano...Microbacter 7 and a little vodka and you'll see changes not believed...





Do you use ice with your Vodka or straight up? Sorry I just could not resist, I'll go sit in the corner now.

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OK...here we go...


Vodka dosing provides a carbon source to feed bacteria...cyano is caused by an over abundance over nutrients and an "under-abundance" of nitrate-consuming bacteria. Brightwell's Microbacter 7 IS a bacteria source you feed to the tank.


As you feed bacteria to the tank, they readily consume the easiest source of energy available...vodka. As they multiply, vodka becomes short in supply and they turn to nitrates for their energy.


This is the "juvenile" form of ZEOvit method, a nutrient laden tank morphing into an ultra low nutrient system...algae problems disappear, corals become fast, beautiful growers, water parameters stabilize and you end up with a true reef environment. Crystal clear water like I have never seen before.


This is the natural way to process your tank...


As the tank becomes more efficient at processing nutrients, you can feed fish and corals more.(clap)



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Very interesting. How much vodka do you recommend? Do I add it at the same time I add the Microbacter 7?


One more question.... Is the red cyano always slimmy?? I have a bunch of new red spots on my live rock... but it doesn't appear to be slimmy at all.... could this be red cyano?? Would it hurt my tank to dose with vodka and microbacter if it not cyano?


Ok... last question... why isn't my clean up crew taking care of this?? I have a huge crew that has done nice work on my other algae.


Thanks so much for the information!

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Very interesting. How much vodka do you recommend? Do I add it at the same time I add the Microbacter 7?


One more question.... Is the red cyano always slimmy?? I have a bunch of new red spots on my live rock... but it doesn't appear to be slimmy at all.... could this be red cyano?? Would it hurt my tank to dose with vodka and microbacter if it not cyano?


Ok... last question... why isn't my clean up crew taking care of this?? I have a huge crew that has done nice work on my other algae.


Thanks so much for the information!


Yes it is slimy its like a blanketing mucus! It comes in red green and sometimes purplish but its all the same bacteria, its not a bad bacteria, its using up nutriants in your tank that shouldnt be there and if ya get rid of them ya get rid of the cayno.

Its not an alge so the cleanup crew wont touch it.

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One more question.... Is the red cyano always slimmy?? I have a bunch of new red spots on my live rock... but it doesn't appear to be slimmy at all.... could this be red cyano??


Sounds like this might be Encrusting Coralline Algae. (As mentioned it is a variety of colors with red being one of the most common) If so then you want it growing on your live rock.



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Sounds like this might be Encrusting Coralline Algae. (As mentioned it is a variety of colors with red being one of the most common) If so then you want it growing on your live rock.




YEP!!! Thats what I got growing all over my rocks!!(clap) I think it is pretty and was hoping it wasn't anything awful!


Thanks for the link!!

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