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Filter Sock question


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How often do you all change your filter socks? I have a tendancy to change mine when it starts to almost overflow which seems to be about once a week or 9 days. Is this not often enough? I know they become a source for nitrates but how long does this take? Should I be changeing it every sooner? When I had my other tanks I never had a filter sock but also had a dsb in my refigium as well as display. Now I only have room for cheato in my sump and its in my return chamber.




After 7 years you would think I would know this but I started useing socks 2 years ago.

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I asked Anthony Calfono (sp?) this question and he said no more than 2 days before changing. I have gone to only using filter sock when I do a cleaning' date=' and then remove after about 12 hours.[/quote']


If I remove it then I get this brown slime growing in my sump and in my cheato algae. Mabey I need a powerhead in my sump running across the cheato?



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Do you wash your sock in the washer with no soap or bleach? I rotate my socks once a week.


Yes. They go in the washer on high water level warm with the double rinse on. about a cup of bleach.



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I wash mine twice in a row. The first time with bleach (if there is any, lately there has not been any around). The second time to get the bleach out. Then let them air dry completely before use.


I only have two socks, so I probably let them go too long without washing.


I started putting sugar in the tank lately, and the socks seem to fill up with bacteria slime really fast. Then they start overflowing.



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I do the double rince then just before I put it in the sump it gets submerged in a clean bucket of fresh tap water then squeezed out just to be sure. I also will smell the sock after it has went through the washer and if I smell bleach at all it gets another rinse cycle.


Between the waste from my ro unit and the filter sock I feel like Im wasteing water. I should water the lawn with the waste ro water.



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I wash mine twice in a row. The first time with bleach (if there is any, lately there has not been any around). The second time to get the bleach out. Then let them air dry completely before use.


I only have two socks, so I probably let them go too long without washing.


I started putting sugar in the tank lately, and the socks seem to fill up with bacteria slime really fast. Then they start overflowing.




Thats funny. I have started doseing double distilled 80 proof vodka about a month ago. I get clear slime buildup on my cheato do you?


That purple monti cap I got from you is growing great now. Also still have the green fuzzy mushroom doin fine :D. Thanks again




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no, not on the chaeto, only on the filter sock. I gotta wash them stupid things once a week. I guess everyone needs to clean their socks once a week... LOL


Good to hear about the cap and fuzzys. :) My cap got mad that I moved it and it turned all brown. Now it is starting to get purple again.



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