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Posts posted by pdxmonkeyboy

  1. ah, so you have two water tight boxes wit bulkheads through the whole set using an extra gasket each.  I guess that makes sense. I was thinking I could just have two partial boxes and use the tank glass as the 5th piece for each box...maybe it won't work....I'll have to keep stewing on this.
    FWIW, my 29g DIY peninsula 'AIO' has acrylic walls/baffles in the glass tank and seems to work fairly well, though I wouldn't know if there's a small leak since it's all wet back there anyways.
    You only need one gasket. It goes between the rear of the tank and the back box. It is a little counter intuitive but here it goes.

    That way you are only sealing the back of the holes that are drilled through the tank. The bulkheads can leak into the drilled holes from the front or the back but it doesnt matter, as there is no where for that water to go.

    Use silicone grease on these o-rings FFR.

    But yeah..no teeth to clean and absolutely silent.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  2. Trying to reach out to the club for some help...

    So, the ms. and I have decided that we are tired of paying for our huge house. And I am a consultant and so when the economy goes south, it is a bad time to be a consultant.  And, the economy is overdue for a pretty sizable contraction.  Anywho... I have to take down my aquarium for likely a period of at least a month or two while we sell the house and move into a new place.  

    I am going to try and liquidate allot of my small frags and have a plan in place for getting my SPS taken care of, but now I am looking for suggestions for my fish.  I have 6 adult tangs, 6 anthias, scribbled foxface, tailspot, hawkfish, and I think that is it.  I do have a spare 75 gallon I could throw them in.. But that seems like a recipe for disaster.  Maybe a 100 gallon tote with no filtration?  Maybe short term adoption?  most of the fish are fairly replaceable, but the achilies and the 10" sohal are pretty prized by me. 

    Maybe I can sell some?  

    Adult blond naso tang

    adult but small scopas tang

    chocolate tang.. very pretty gold-ish

    Massive desjardini tang, but he is well behaved

    Grade A+ Scirbbled foxface. 

    I have some nice rock flower nems.... a HUGE orange one.  

    Rainbow bubble tip

    A bunch of mid grade zoas


    some encrusting monitpora.  

    A couple high end butt kisser zoas

    OG bounce mushroom

    Indo dragon soul torches... get your wallet out...

    Thoughts? Suggestions?  Condolences?   

    Its not all bad news, because if I can sell my custom AGE rimless tank for a decent amount then I am going to build an 8'x4' 600 gallon SPS aquarium with 3 frag tanks and basement sump :)


  3. I didnt follow everything you were talking about, but there is no such thing as bonding glass to acrylic . At least in a manner to prevent movement.

    You certainly want your overflow box, the internal one, to be entirely watertight or like you said, on pump shut off you will draining down to the invert height of your bulkheads.

    I cant think of a time you would clean the inside of the inside box. Mine is about 1.5" wide I think? Make as thin as possible while still being able to fit the nuts of your bulkheads in there.

    No teeth means laminar flow. You can google weir water height calculator to determine the water column height passing over the top of your overflow. It is very very thin!! On my 5' long overflow at around 5,000gph its around 1/8" . What I did to prevent snails and fish and other things crawling into the overflow is to put a piece of polycarbonate slightly narrow than the overflow in there. The water just flows around it. You can pull it our and clean it.

    Here are some pics of mine..8ec67ca65770c64968a3d63d4b53d252.jpgdc979593d3bcc1e93401feb76d4ce6ca.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  4. That is essentially how mine is. A long thin box in the tank and a box on the back side enough to fit the bulkheads for the drain.

    Dont blow your mind trying to figure out where to put the bulkhead seals, you only need a seal between the tank and the back box.

    I will try to get pics, I think there is a thread here.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

  5. Storm on left Bear on right. Both rescues. Storm wandered into our old apartment and fell in love with the girlfriends yellow lab and never left
    Awww storm looks my cat that ran away, dexter. I miss that guy.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


    Yeah yeah yeah, dogs come when you call them and all that, but cats purr. Do dogs purr when you pet their belly? No. Can you tell your dog, hey dude, we are leaving for the weekend, I left a bunch of food out, see you on sunday? No, you can't.


    So I will start it out with our two adults. Wyatt and woodhouse da5c21aedcc7ce55bf4f410930a4e393.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk





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  7. You should come over and look at my overflow.
    I have the best overflows, and I know overflows. Its tremendous, you know what I'm talking about though, you have seen this. It's an amazing overflow.

    But seriously, no teeth, that's the dope [language filter]. Oppps, I mean shiet.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  8. I have the polisher that you need, your welcome to borrow it. It's not rocket science and it goes fairly quickly with the right tools.

    Crabby was right, if it is deep, then you will need sandpaper. That is when things start to get a little tricky and exhausting. I would think a couple hours with the polisher and you would be good to go.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

  9. A full length weir is a really good idea, great surface movement. If you are at all handy, you can make one out of acrylic. I did that for my 6 foot long tank.

    I dunno about the custom background. It can be done for sure, I made a super cool background for a freshwater tank once. Caves, etc, it was really cool. In a saltwater environment though, you might get algae growing on it, then it would be a nightmare. Or it could possibly be a nightmare. I used foam for mine, carved it up with a knife, then sanded it, finally I covered it with hydraulic cement.

    Cheap doser to start with, if you get a decent amount of sps I would angle towards a reactor.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

  10. Talks to industry experts...thinks they are wrong.... posts question to forum.

    Tells forum member to go talk to the experts.

    Pete and Repete were walking down the street, Pete fell in a hole, who was left?

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  11. Wow we sure miss you around here crabby, always such a pleasure.

    FYI.. if your TDS is around 300 ppm..which isn't crazy high for well water than your percentage of DI loss from co2 alone would be around 2%.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  12. I don't know why you would need to degass the water before going through the DI.  Your RO is likely no where near 180gpd anyways, unless for some reason your ground water is like 75 degrees.   50 degree water cuts your GPD rating in half, so yeah, like physics and stuff. 


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